What price for an aerial installation?

In responses to the guideline I posted about how much having a new aerial fitted should cost, Ian Grice posted: "£40-£50? Every aerial fitter I contacted wants at least £150+VAT considering you can get a class 3 aerial for under £10 and a class 2 for under £15 and cable is 40p a metre why are they charging so much for 30 minutes work?"
OK, for some places putting up a TV aerial is hard work, such as multi-story properties. As many people will simply be exchanging a Group A, B, C/D, E or K aerial for a wideband type, often without changing the supporting pole or cable, a high price cannot be justified.
I am concerned that some companies will exploit vulnerable groups (such as the elderly).
So, I what prices have you been quoted for aerial installations? What price have you paid for installation?
Do you know of any companies to avoid? Do you know of any companies that are good value for money?
Or do you work for a great aerial installation company?
went out to do a job today where action aerials had said was a poor reception area
ended up installing a log 28 9" cradle bracket with the aerial inside the bracket (9" mast) so should stand up to any gale that gets blown at it and still came in over £100 cheaper than Action Aerials "special Todays promotion "
Signal Strength was through the roof nice line of sight to Emley Moor 4g Filter fitted and attenuated
poor reception area it was not!
Mazbar - Totally agree - why should you make the other riggers crappy install work -its in my opinion quicker to start from scratch than puzzle over why the previous installers perculier install with the twisted taped wire pushed up the mast and joined to the old brittle broken aerial cable running down the roof -
if your going to replace an aerial a common cause that is over looked is the cable - a lot of the times the actual physical aerial as decrepit and rusted as it is will actually kick out a semi decent reception still and the let down is the cable from roof to lounge
Installed a fresh cable to an aerial installed in 2009 - yesterday - the aerial on a the customers old pressed plate bracket was on a new (back in 2009) mast and a new fringe splitter but the installer had connected the customers exsisting cable - so nothing wrong with the signal when measured at the splitter
if he had spent another few mins he could have put in a fresh cable - not adding a fortune to the job (he probably charged the same any way as starting from scratch on a property with no aerial ) then this customer would have still been enjoying trouble free viewing
I guess I shouldn't be the one whinging as i was getting paid to do what the previous rigger should have done 5 years ago
Just annoys me to see half a job done
Do it right - pay once
Pay cheap - pay twice
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See http://www.actionaerials.…html
Here you go
A good guide to how Action Aerials can rip you off !
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Steve P: It's annoying because if people weren't so impatient they would get the job done right first time! I hate people having to pay twice for one job! People want something for nothing these days, what they actually end up with is nothing for something!
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1:30 PM
Fair points Kevin but gas fitters and Technicians are skilled tradesmen(after a long apprenticeship). You can hardly put aerial fitters in the same class as these guys, even the most skilled have only attained an NVQ after a relatively short period.
Would you go to your local chippie and pay £25-£30 for cod and chips on the basis that most people would not even go on a trawler to catch the fish as its a bloody dangerous job.
It is all down to as you say the danger involved which to a degree can be mitigated by using proper equipment safely but this not an excuse to rip off Joe public, I think most people would be happy to pay up to say £100 to have a new aerial installed but as we all know it is not just aerial installers who take advantage, chuck in roofers and most other building trades. Incidently the current rate at most Main Car Dealers is £120 per hour. Happy Installing.
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2:02 PM
Tony: Like Most businesses there are other overheads, van insurance, public liability insurance, road tax, van servicing, stock, your own wages, so you have to cover overheads and you are allowed to make a profit it isn't against the law. I have been fitting aerials over 25 years and it maby not fully skilled there is a skill to it. I have seen how sparks like to fit aerials they are the worst followed by members of the public. There is a greater risk doing aerials than being a gas fitter working off ladders is dangerous and people won't pay if scaffold is needed.
I work in the northwest that has some of the cheapest aerial fitters in England I wish I could charg £100 for a aerial. By the way what do you do how would you like someone to say you arnt worth what you earn and you should be paid less.
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4:32 PM
My signal analyser cost £2500 and I feel blind without it diesel isn't cheap all the tools associated with aerial installation have to be purchased I have to carry ladders on the van like mazbar said there's public liability then out of that £100 there's tax to pay and if your vat registered that's 20% of the cost a trawler isn't going out and catching one fish at a time it catches 5 tonnes of fish upwards I would imagine that's worth more than the £100
So after you have bought all the tools to do the job and run a van £100 isn't a vast deal
Yeah if you compare borrowing a string of neighbours tools to get one rig done it is but to go out and do it properly isn't
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4:46 PM
KB Aerials : One post knows hoe to piss us off doesn't it.
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7:18 PM
Oh yes
People (tony) just thinks we rock and will fit his aerial at cost
Well I'm not his friend it's not mates rates I've got a business to run
Do you think marks and Spencer will sell all their products at cost ?
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Wow Tony is obviously from a different planet! Yes some installs can be achieved for £100 or less. But there are places where the access is dangerous even with the correct safety kit (Which costs hundreds of pounds by the way) then you need a twin chimney bracket and twin lashing and a 12ft, 2 inch diameter mast and a wolsey HG10 aerial and masthead. You want us to do that for £100??!! Not even worth getting out of bed for!
If you are looking for the cheapest quotes you will get the cheapest job, pay cheap, pay twice.
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3:58 PM
Well I know you pay for good quality and safely installed propeller and it will last a long time.... £180 to £300 is not unreasonable these aerial guys are on tight margins at it is... so give them a break Tony
I had a mate had his aerial installed by a cowboy used a scaffold as a mast one day a heavy winds knocked it down and ripped his chimney off too... left a gaping hole in his roof.
Alot of arieal riggers i know have a proper ID card and a website and offten members of the areial trade.... sadly some cowboys do give us bad names... thats life..... i rather pay more for a professional to do the job well done.
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