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Freeview reception has changed?

Why should my Freeview reception change when I have not changed anything?

Why should my Freeview reception change when I have not changed
published on UK Free TV

From time to time people find that their Freeview box, integrated set (idTV) or Personal Video Recorder (PVR) has lost many channels without any apparent changes.

There are a number of factors to consider

Freeview is broadcast on digital multiplexes. This means that, once broken down into a stream of bits, each television channel is combined into a single transmission of 1s and 0s. This means that reception is of the multiplex first if this is lost it affects all the channels in the multiplex in the same way.

The signal strength received by the box or TV for a particular multiplex from a given transmitter determines if the data can be received or not. So, a poor signal results in no data, an adequate signal in perfect data and a low signal in either none or all.

Poor digital signal levels do not result, as they do with old-fashioned analogue television, in a sub-standard picture or sound. Poor signals often result in a perfect data-stream, but are prone to periods of no reception. Sometimes this will be for hours, but can also be several times a minute when caused by induction from fridges, freezers, central heating systems, two-stroke scooters, baby monitors and so on.

If you have lost ALL your Freeview channels

First disconnect the aerial lead from the Freeview box or TV set and reconnect it and then follow this reset procedure to scan for channels again. If this does not result in services being restored, check the Freeview transmitters page to see if there are any engineering problems with your local transmitter.

How to check all cables, connectors and aerials

The RF connectors need to be in very good condition to work. There are two general types:

Factory-fitted connectors are very reliable as they cannot easily be taken apart, but they can be damaged by wear and tear. On the female-type the central section is often composed of two parts which can often be forced apart, resulting in a poor connection you can push them back together if this has happened with a pair of tweezers. On male connectors if the central pin is damaged, you will need a new cable. If there are any loose partials in the connector, remove them.

Another problem with these cables is that quite easy to sprain the connector at the back which causes little obvious external damage, but disconnects the internal connection. This happens often when a set-top box is pushed backwards into a cabinet.

Hand made cables can also suffer from similar problems to factory made ones and they are also prone to accidental damage from a cable being pulled. If such a connector is not firmly attached to the cable, the connector may need refitting.


Make a visual check of the cables. There are a few basic checks:

If the cable has been slashed or cut, it will not be very effective or reliable. If such a cable is fitted externally, this can allow rainwater to enter the cable and this will reduce the signal levels.

You can easily damage an RF cable by crushing it, for example in a door. If the outside of the cable has a permanent kink in the cable or has been very tightly looped, this could be the site of damage.


For reliable and effective Freeview reception, a rooftop aerial is required. It is hard to make a visual check of such an aerial without putting yourself in potential danger.

You can make a visual check of the route between the aerial and the transmitter. Any form of obstruction will damage the digital signals. In particular trees coming into leaf, as these will leech the signal before it reaches your aerial. This applies to both trees adjacent to the aerial and at a distance.

Another common problem in cities is building work. A large crane will often change position many times during the day, and if this is between your aerial and the transmitter this can reduce the signal levels in an unpredictable way.

If your system uses a booster, the power may have failed. Check the fuse to the power to the booster.

Weather problems

There are two main weather problems that effect Freeview reception.

The Inversion Effect: please see What is the Inversion Effect and why does it effect my Freeview TV reception?

Wind: high winds sometime can dislodge the aerial this results in a poor signal.

Rain: poor or old cables can fill with water and this results in a poor signal. If this happens, the cables will require replacement.

Help with Freeview, aerials?
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In this section
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Friday, 16 May 2014
Dave Hagen
5:51 PM

Channels 33,49,50,54,55,56,& 58 all good signal strength & quality but channel 59 from the Pontop Pike transmitter shows good signal strength but poor signal quality, could this be a 4G problem or something else? Any ideas anyone.

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Dave Hagen's 19 posts GB flag
John Gray
8:08 PM

The sun's come out the TV signal goes on holiday.

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John Gray's 1 post GB flag
John's: mapJ's Freeview map terrainJ's terrain plot wavesJ's frequency data J's Freeview Detailed Coverage

8:59 PM

John Gray: Yes, the sun comes out and those damn trees come into leaf and leach all the TV signals from the air.

Which provides three options: 1) fire, 2) a chainsaw or 3) mounting the aerial so it doesn't point at a tree.

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Briantist's 38,929 posts GB flag
Thursday, 29 May 2014
4:42 PM

My freeview has always gotten perfect reception. It has suddenly just stopped and says 'no signal'. I've bought a new antenna in case this was the problem. It has picked up some channels now, but a bunch have disappeared. Help!

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melissa's 1 post GB flag

6:07 PM

melissa: OK - a postcode would help, so we can see what channels your supposed to be getting.
However, your TV is telling you there is 'no signal', which points to a fault in your system - perhaps a break, water in a loose connection, etc. Dont retune if you can help it, but check each bit of your system, however, you might need to call a professional.

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MikeB's 2,579 posts GB flag
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
Ricky Barr
9:52 PM

Post code EH26 8DF
problems over past few weeks Loss of freeview channels. Used to be 104 now down to 46 on retune, BBC and ITV seem ok but other channels varying from ok to complete breakup
Signal strength seems to be good but signal quality low to zero
Seems to get worse as day progresses.
Aerial pointing to Turrif transmitter Aberdeen or Dundee Transmitter.
Freeview reception used to be reasonably stable, as I said with about 104 TV channels
Checked cables and connections
seem ok. Using TV built in Freeview Any Ideas >

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Ricky Barr's 1 post GB flag
Ricky's: mapR's Freeview map terrainR's terrain plot wavesR's frequency data R's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Dave Lindsay

10:34 PM

Ricky Barr: There's probably little you can do.

In the UK there are two types of broadcaster: Public Service (PSB) and Commercial (COM). The PSB networks carry BBC, STV, Channel 4, Channel 5 etc. The COM networks are the ones I think you are having difficulty with.

Whilst the coverage of the PSBs is as the former four-channel analogue, the COMs fit in where possible and in some places aren't available at all or are likely to intermittent.

At your location if your aerial points to Angus (Dundee) then its COMs use the same frequencies (channels) as the PSBs of Penocuik, so intermittent or no reception is likely. The Angus PSBs don't share channels with other transmitters so should be available.

If you receive from Durris (Turriff) then there are no channel clashes, although its COMs are lower power than its PSBs. It's 86 miles away and the Fife peninsula blocks your view.

A couple of thoughts spring to mind:

1. If you are receiving from Angus then you might find that mounting the aerial below the roof line will help block the signal from Penicuik, it being in the opposite direction. This isn't forced to work and there may always be times when the unwanted signal bends or gets reflected back to your aerial.

2. Check that you are tuned to the transmitter your aerial faces by viewing the signal strength screen on the following:

PSB1 - BBC One
COM5 - Pick
COM6 - 4Music

The six channels of Angus are: 60, 53, 57(HD), 54, 58, 49

Those of Durris are: 28, 25, 22(HD), 23, 26, 29

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Dave Lindsay's 5,724 posts GB flag
Tuesday, 10 June 2014
10:01 PM

I have no freeview channels except BBC channels. This happened sometime yesterday between 7.00 am and 10.00 pm. It kept says no signal. I have re-tuned it several times and can only get BBC channels. I have two TV working from one aerial and another from a separate aerial. What is wrong?

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Kayde's 1 post GB flag
Kayde's: mapK's Freeview map terrainK's terrain plot wavesK's frequency data K's Freeview Detailed Coverage

11:06 PM

Kayde: It sounds like your aerial has a problem, if its only happening to one or two TV's (if its all of them, then someone else will have to come up with an answer). BBC channels are the strongest, so if there is a problem with your aerial, such as a break, corrosion, etc, then the others are possibly more likely to go first.

'No signal' means just that - the TV cant find a signal, which points to the aerial being the problem. Which TV's have the problem?

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MikeB's 2,579 posts GB flag
Wednesday, 11 June 2014
9:26 PM

EX4 6JP Have been using Freeview with absolutely no problems for several years. For over a week have only been able to access 9 ITV channels - no BBC or radio reception. Have re-tuned daily with no success (also tried reset procedure). Help!

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D I L's 1 post GB flag
D's: mapD's Freeview map terrainD's terrain plot wavesD's frequency data D's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Sunday, 6 July 2014
Dr. S. Day
6:51 AM

I live in PR5 8JT and Freeview on certain channels has deteriorated over the last few days whereby today I have totally lost all channels on Multiplex D3+4 and SDN (All others are fine). There appears to be no transmitter problem in the area, the tv co-axial lead is fine and ditto the aerial, (despite being communal) is also fine and I have carried out a full factory reset on my freeview tv all to no avail. There is no building work in the area nor are there any high trees or anything else that I can possibly think of which is causing this anomaly. Any help would be most welcome, thanks in advance.

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Dr. S. Day's 4 posts GB flag
Dr.'s: mapD's Freeview map terrainD's terrain plot wavesD's frequency data D's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Dr. S. Day
6:55 AM

Footnote to previous post: - Sorry I forgot to mention that, in relation to Channels on both D3+4 and SDN, I get the message "Service is not running"?????

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Dr. S. Day's 4 posts GB flag
Dr.'s: mapD's Freeview map terrainD's terrain plot wavesD's frequency data D's Freeview Detailed Coverage

5:41 PM

Dr. S. Day: As you point out, there seems to be no transmitter problems, etc, so the problem is likely to be at your end. If you are tuned into Winter Hill (click on the various links for find which transmitter, etc), your only 13km away - so you should be getting a very strong signal (is it too high?).

Check if other people in your block are having the same problem. Since its a communal aerial, if it is a problem with the block system, it shouldn't be just you. Also check the aerial lead - is it fitting properly, etc? I would normally suggest buying an aerial lead from a pound shop, but try it. If everything is fine, then its the cable, if not, you havn't lost much.

Something similar was reported not long ago. The person changed the aerial lead, and it was fine. Might not be that, but its an easy change.

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MikeB's 2,579 posts GB flag
Monday, 7 July 2014
Dr. S. Day
6:48 AM

MikeB: Thank you for your response which I shall answer in point order: -

Winter Hill signal strength is fine, ditto 100% the tv (just 3 months old) and the co-ax lead (Belkin gold plated connectors), both of which have been tried at a different property and work fine. Everyone else in the block are on either Sky or Virgin and never use standard terestial therefore it is not possible to confirm or deny that this may be the problem.
What concerns me, as per my initial email is why I am unable to receive only certain Freeview channels whereas others are fine?

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Dr. S. Day's 4 posts GB flag

6:30 PM

Dr. S. Day: I think this might be one for the reception guru's, but there is one thing that comes to mind. If your TV had found Walton Le Dale first on RF channel 27), then that would explain no SDN, but it still wouldn't explain the loss of D3 & 4.

The only other thing it might be is that your signal is far too strong (strength should be about 75-80%, not 100%), and the TV is blanking out the other mux's totally - but I'm not sure that even makes sense. I think its time for JB38 or David Lindsay to have a think...

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MikeB's 2,579 posts GB flag
Tuesday, 8 July 2014
Dave Lindsay

1:18 PM

Dr. S. Day: It may be worth noting that the two "lost" multiplexes are on C58 and C59, which are the two closest to any 4G signals operating in the 800MHz band, which have been allocated C60 upwards.

So it may be the case that a 800MHz 4G signal has come on air and is affecting either your TV or the amplifier within the aerial system. Either way, it's outside your control and should be reported to the party which maintains the aerial system (it needs filtering at the input so that the 4G signal doesn't enter the amplifier).

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Dave Lindsay's 5,724 posts GB flag
Friday, 11 July 2014
Dr. S. Day
9:44 AM

MikeB & Dave Lindsay: - Amazingly I have solved the problem by purchasing a digital satellite co-axial cable, despite having (supposedly) one of the best co-ax cables known to man (Belkin with gold plated connectors!) this is inadequate for some very strange reason! So, the end result for less than £4 now brings me all Freeview channels crystal clear with perfect sound so, I guess the moral of the story is, despite expensive co-ax leads with gold connectors and all their claims, go right back down to basics instead of delving into high tech area's. Many thanks to everyone who posted their comments and hope that this post may be of benefit to others.

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Dr. S. Day's 4 posts GB flag

2:06 PM

Dr. S. Day: Great - sometimes it is the small things in life which work...

Frankly, Belkin isn't a brand I think of immediately when someone asks for a top quality connection, and the gold plating is something of a waste of time, although its difficult finding a lead which isn't gold plated these days. Sat. cable has to be of good quality, and hopefully decently shielded, which is what your after. Glad everything now works.

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MikeB's 2,579 posts GB flag
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
John Martin
9:11 PM

Anyone know what's going on. We've got two freeview televisions and two freeview VHS/DVD recorders in our house, both connected to one aerial on the roof. Recently we've lost all channels on the SDN & ARQA multiplexes on all the system. Can anyone help?

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John Martin's 10 posts GB flag
John's: mapJ's Freeview map terrainJ's terrain plot wavesJ's frequency data J's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Friday, 25 July 2014
12:10 AM

why is that All BBC channels keep freezing when I turn on my freeviwe box or turn over to a BBC channel?
I do not want ot here it the wether as the box as been working ok when the wether was like this a few ago

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M's 1 post GB flag

2:39 PM

M: You could start with a postcode....

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MikeB's 2,579 posts GB flag
2:49 PM

M: We are at DY13 8LP and for the last few days BBc1 keeps freezing then shutting down. A few seconds later it will restart. This doesn't happen on other channels and is very annoying. Any ideas?

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Elliott's 1 post GB flag
Elliott's: mapE's Freeview map terrainE's terrain plot wavesE's frequency data E's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Cliff Sinclair
8:30 PM

am at le3 9rs
all has been fine until have recently lost ITV 3 and Drama
system says no service running
reset box, reinstalled box - no change

any ideas?

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Cliff Sinclair's 3 posts GB flag
Cliff's: ...

9:01 PM

Cliff Sinclair: As the page above explains, the first thing to do is check your system for faults. Loose aerial lead (or busted?), is your aerial OK, etc

You should be fine for Waltham (your closer than I am), so it could be that your aerial circuit has a problem, and its that mux which is showing the first syptoms.

Elliot: Which transmitter are you tuned into? Depending on the direction of your aerial, your fine for the Wrekin, Malvern or Sutton Coldfield. But your just 1km from Kiddeminsters transmitter - which might explain why BBC breaks up, the signal muct be very high.

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MikeB's 2,579 posts GB flag
Cliff Sinclair
10:26 PM

thanks Mike - you must never sleep!!!
working through the cabling etc now and probably in the light tomorrow.
If I don't get back its because I am embarrassed to have found something that i should have got off my behind to find and not immediately asked!
Thanks for your help

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Cliff Sinclair's 3 posts GB flag
Cliff's: mapC's Freeview map terrainC's terrain plot wavesC's frequency data C's Freeview Detailed Coverage

10:32 PM

Cliff Sinclair: Dont be embarrassed - frankly, TV's generally work until they dont, and we seldom have to deal with that.

As for sleep - depends if the kids keep waking me up...

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MikeB's 2,579 posts GB flag
Cliff Sinclair
11:11 PM

Cliff Sinclair:
would you believe....
i now have some interesting additional channels?
I am sat in central Leicester watching 'the boot room ' on Notts TV channel 8 (which i have been told im not supposed to get.) More HD channels (BBC News, al jazeera, community, C4+, BBC 4) and a load of 200 channels I've not seen before.
"come with me to another dimension!!!!!!"

I think I'll go and get back in my dark box and wait til tomorrow

regards and best thanks


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Cliff Sinclair's 3 posts GB flag
Cliff's: mapC's Freeview map terrainC's terrain plot wavesC's frequency data C's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Friday, 15 August 2014
Andrew Rae
8:51 PM

After years without problems, I have experienced freezing of both the tv and the remote on the bbc channels for the last few months (channel 46 on the Blackhill transmitter using a loft aerial) . I installed a high gain aerial but that made no difference. Other people in the Milnathort area have found the same problem. Is there any reason for this?

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Andrew Rae's 1 post GB flag
Andrew's: mapA's Freeview map terrainA's terrain plot wavesA's frequency data A's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Monday, 18 August 2014
7:16 PM

DE21 4PX 'No signal'
Main TV used with Techwood freeview box. Philips TV supposed to be digital but since digital switchover has never worked as digital without separate freeview box attached. Signal booster in lounge also supplies other TVs in house, none of these are picking up freeview signals at all except the BBC, very pixellated and noises, and its radio channels. Did all the usual checks, wiped channels and installed as first time installation, changed fuse in signal booster, now think I may have to have that checked plus aerial connections checked, and splitter in loft. Second time in 4 months. Normally use Waltham transmitter in order to get local news (East Midlands) as it is so annoying to get the wrong area's news. May pick up from Sutton Coldfield as well. The Derby light transmitter is no use to me even though I live in suburb of Derby (Oakwood end of Chaddesden) due to the lie of the land (hills) in between. Any suggestions please before I spend next week's pension on a professional? Already had plumber and window repairer in and no cash left!! In debt! No probs before the switchover. Plenty after.

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Chrissy's 5 posts GB flag
Chrissy's: mapC's Freeview map terrainC's terrain plot wavesC's frequency data C's Freeview Detailed Coverage

7:50 PM

Chrissy: ' Already had plumber and window repairer in and no cash left!!' - I know that feeling! Ok - thanks to putting your postcode into the website (which is SO helpful), you should be using either Waltham (althrough there is something in the way about 3km from you), or Sutton Coldfield. Both are fine. Your getting either 'no signal' or the BBC in minimal strength - so its highly likely to be a problem with the part of your aerial system at or above the splitter. You could start by bypassing the signal booster. You might not need it anyway, and if it is the problem, you can see instantly. Assuming its happy, and bypassing it makes no difference, check that your TV/box is tuned to Waltham, and what its signal strength is (probably zero, but at least you'll have checked). I've just reread your posts - you have a splitter in the loft AND a booster downstairs which supplies other TV's? Do you need both? However, its likely your problem is either a) the splitter, or b) something above it. Check the wiring back from the splitter (if its powered, then that could be a problem right there), and look for very loose or broken connections, frayed wiring, corrosion, etc. If your aerial is in the loft, check that too. Your system is just about hanging on, so there is unlikely to be a clean break, more likely something about to fail. Aerials & TV has loads of useful info Aerials, TV Aerial and Digital Aerial , and if you do need a replacement part, new cable, etc, you can either get it from them, or at least know what your looking for.

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MikeB's 2,579 posts GB flag
8:10 PM

MikeB: Thank you very much that is helpful.

However there is no chance of me getting into loft - I have enough trouble getting in the bath ha ha, and I have no-one able-bodied to do it for me, so professional TV reception engineer/aerial person it will have to be. I will however now be aware it is more likely to be a new lead needed or a new splitter and won't get talked into a new aerial!!

I think the splitter is in the loft, don't know if that is powered, aerial is on chimney stack on roof. I do not understand the route or 'circuitry' of the booster in lounge, but all I know is, if it was switched off at plug, you could get no freeview except v poor signal on any other TV in house.

I did what you suggested re trying to get channels installed without booster but it was a no go. I am beginning to wonder if booster itself is so old it's needing replacement. Or splitter.

Anyway thanks for your time, forewarned is forearmed and I know what to expect, thanks again.

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Chrissy's 5 posts GB flag
Chrissy's: mapC's Freeview map terrainC's terrain plot wavesC's frequency data C's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Tuesday, 19 August 2014
11:14 PM

Chrissy: Well this morning I retuned again and all my channels are back!! So was it atmospherics or what? Very weird.

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Chrissy's 5 posts GB flag
Chrissy's: mapC's Freeview map terrainC's terrain plot wavesC's frequency data C's Freeview Detailed Coverage

11:40 PM

Chrissy: You are located at exactly the same distance from the Sutton Coldfield transmitter to that from Waltham, although all aerials seen in your area are pointing towards the latter.

As no engineering work has been taking place at either station, your problem "might" have been connected with atmospheric conditions, but though, should it arise again at any time your best policy by far would be to make an enquiry with a neighbour or someone else nearby to find out if they are also being affected, as it would save you the hassle of checking your equipment.

Of course, that is provided that they "are" being affected, otherwise its a case of fault finding on yours.

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
Sunday, 7 September 2014
Mr bower
12:09 AM

My goodmans freeview box freezes or locks only on BBC channel s. Help!!!

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Mr bower's 2 posts GB flag
Mr bower
12:12 AM

Ps I live at sr8

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Mr bower's 2 posts GB flag
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
Bob Longhurst
11:26 AM

Why since the latest Freeview Channels re-shuffle has the Forest Row Transmitter stopped transmitting "Yesterday" and several other TV Progs we used to view?? Will more Muxes be brought into service to compensate?

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Bob Longhurst's 1 post GB flag
Dave Lindsay

5:47 PM

Bob Longhurst: It hasn't - Yesterday has never, and won't ever, be transmitted from Forest Row, and over 1,000 other similar "Freeview Lite" transmitters. I've set out the reasons for the two-tier terrestrial television transmitter network here: Londonderry (Northern Ireland) Freeview Light transmitter | - 12 years of independent, free digital TV advice If you were receiving Yesterday via an aerial directed to the Forest Row transmitter then the signal was not coming from that transmitter. If you are in an area where you can receive from a full-service transmitter then in order to stand you in the best stead to receive the COM (Commercial) multiplexes (those which Forest Row doesn't carry) is to install an aerial directed to said transmitter. In the mean time you could try a manual scan of the UHF channels (frequencies) of the full-service transmitter you were picking up previously. Knowledge of your location, preferably in the form of postcode or that of a nearby property such as a shop, will allow some idea as to your options to be gained.

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Dave Lindsay's 5,724 posts GB flag
Saturday, 4 October 2014
Brian Anderson
10:24 PM

Hi. Since having had to retune recently for the relocation of some BBC channels I have been experiencing a deterioration in reception of some 'non BBC channels' e.g. ITV4 signal was poor and picture quality could be lost without warning or the display very 'patchy'. I have this evening reset my TV several times and can now receive only 22 TV and radio channels, all BBC TV and Radio. Picture quality is good but why can I not receive all other Non BBC channels? NB I am using an external rooftop located Antenna directed to the Ridge Hill Transmitter.

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Brian Anderson's 1 post GB flag
Brian's: mapB's Freeview map terrainB's terrain plot wavesB's frequency data B's Freeview Detailed Coverage

10:55 PM

Brian Anderson: Are you sure that you've tuned into Ridge Hill? I notice that The Wrekin and Bromsgrove are both on a slightly lower RF channel than Ridge Hill, and the bearings are not so vastly different - you could have picked them up by mistake.

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MikeB's 2,579 posts GB flag
Sunday, 5 October 2014
Pete Dilloway
2:27 PM

For the last week or so BBC & ITV SD Channels from Tacolneston have suffered contiual digital break-up. (Channell 55 predominantly) all the others are fine. TV's report signal strength high, signal quality poor. It also seems slightly intermittent getting worse in the evening.
It could of course be one of my boosters packing up!
any reported problems?

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Pete Dilloway's 12 posts GB flag

9:36 PM

Pete Dilloway: You havn't given a postcode, so we are reduced to guesswork, but since you report high signal strength with low quality, it sounds like your signal is too strong. Try bypassing any booster, etc. You could try and find the 'too much of a good thing' page on this site, but the search function is currently disabled!

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MikeB's 2,579 posts GB flag
Friday, 24 October 2014
Alan Cooper
5:26 PM

I appear to have lost the Dave and Pick channels. They disappeared a couple of weeks ago (blue screen saying no signal) and when I retuned they disappeared from the epg list.

I have tried turning tv off and unplugging aeriel and retuning with no aerial to clear the information and then retuning with aerial but no change. postcode is 0X16 2AP and I am on the Oxford transmitter.

Any suggestions welcome


Alan Cooper

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Alan Cooper's 1 post NO flag

6:43 PM

Alan Cooper: The channels referred to along with Sky news (132) are transmitted on Oxfords COM5 Mux Ch59, if Sky news is also missing? go into your TV or boxes tuning menu / manual tune and enter Ch 59 into the box, but pause at this point to see if anything is indicated on the strength / quality bars, if it is press scan or search.

By the way, the pause procedure does not work on some brands of equipment, and so press search (or scan) even if nothing is indicated.

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
Sunday, 26 October 2014
3:45 PM

I am in the ffestiniog area and have lost reception. Is there a regional fault with Freeview?

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Eve's 1 post GB flag
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
1:46 PM

I suddenly lost all my BBC and radio channels, I have tried retuning but to no avail. I am in the Chatton reception area.

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Maggie's 1 post GB flag
Maggie's: mapM's Freeview map terrainM's terrain plot wavesM's frequency data M's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Monday, 1 December 2014
Helen Lee
2:23 PM


please can you help just recently my freeview keeps breaking up and going off also we can never get channel 120. I have tried re scanning my tv but this dosent seem to help. I just wondered if something had gone wrong with the caldbeck transmitter
please could you advise

My post code is CA7 3LN

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Helen Lee's 1 post GB flag
Helen's: mapH's Freeview map terrainH's terrain plot wavesH's frequency data H's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Dave Lindsay

3:35 PM

Helen Lee: At just under 9 miles from the transmitter you would be expected to have excellent reception, if not perhaps an excessive signal. There is apparent clear line-of-sight, barring the terrain within the first half a mile from you which may be in the way (or objects such as trees or buildings on it).

I suggest that you might have a signal level which is too high and that you might try reducing it. The effects seen on a receiver whose signal is too high is much the same as that of one too low, making the unwary think that the signal is too low.

Go to the manual tune screen and enter/select UHF channel 25 which is for BBC standard definition TV and radio. Do this but do not press the button to add services/scan as in such circumstances the device usually acts like a basic signal meter. Observe what strength and quality is like over at least 30 seconds or more.

Some devices are better than others at this. Indeed, some don't even bother to offer manual tuning. So you might find that it's worth looking at the different devices you have to see which might be most useful here.

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Dave Lindsay's 5,724 posts GB flag
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
2:01 PM

I have 100 percent signal and quality when aerial direct to tv. When attached via a panasonic record able box signal strength is 100 percent but quality fluctuates between 100 and zero percent and I lose picture on hd channels. Does the panasonic box deal with signal differently to tv ' s and could too much signal be the problem ?

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michael's 3 posts GB flag

2:10 PM

michael: Sounds exactly the same problem as my father in law - the TV was just a little too sensitive, but its only had an occasional problem. The PVR certainly had a problem with signal stength. Since their masthead amp is an all or nothing affair (switch it off, everything is off), I advised them to buy some attenuators, and just kill the signal strength a bit on both, and the PVR more than a bit. I havn't heard anything since, so I assume everything is now alright!

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MikeB's 2,579 posts GB flag
Dave Lindsay

3:17 PM

michael: The signal strength is too high. Maybe the amplifier in the Panasonic is pushing it up a little more. It's akin to turning the volume right up on a hifi - the sound distorts.

Remove or reduce any amplification you have if it's for a single aerial socket (one room) or if you don't have one install an attenuator before the Panasonic box to bring the level down.

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Dave Lindsay's 5,724 posts GB flag
Thursday, 1 January 2015
8:18 PM

I got a free signal booster from freeview in the post last year,it was a great little thing that worked a treat,i move house and lost it,does anyone know how I can get another,ive looked on their site but cant find anything,,i bought one but it doesn't work.cheers

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anita's 1 post GB flag
Friday, 2 January 2015

1:00 PM

anita: Are you sure that the device you are referring to isn't a 4G filter?, as these are supplied free by a company called AT800 to households located in areas deemed as being possibly affected by a newly installed mobile phone 4G transmitter, 4G filters restricting the effect that 4G signals can have of Freeview reception.

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
Wednesday, 14 January 2015
Eric Brett
3:40 PM

I have a rather complex aerial system for reception of digital channels. I have a loft-mounted, high gain aerial, which is out-putted through two in-line boosters, the second of which has several output sockets which feed to points in my living room, master bedroom, computer room and dining room. Because I also have satellite boxes, the living room and master bedroom pass through two separate duplex arrangements (one cable through the external wall in each case). I have an 'August DVB-400' box in the living room, so the RF signal reaches my TV through a 'pass-through' arrangement.
Several weeks ago, I found that certain channels (BBC particularly) were no longer received properly (if at all) through my living room TV tuner, but there is no problem with the DVB-400 through which the TV signal passes. I have the same poor reception of these channels on my dining room TV and on my Bedroom TV.
Am I correct in assuming that the DVB-400 reception is OK because it has a superior amplifier? Or is there another explanation?

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Eric Brett's 20 posts GB flag
Dave Lindsay

4:12 PM

Eric Brett: Digital reception is essentially either there or not there, there is very little in between that being the "cliff edge".

Perhaps the signal is in the region of being not usable, your DVB-400 "just" being able to use it and the others "just" not so. So, don't conclude that the DVB-400 is superior.

The first question must be what is the incoming signal like? What is your location this being preferably in the form of postcode or that of a nearby property such as a shop?

Why have you got a high-gain aerial with an amplifier and another amplifier which splits it? In many cases this would be excessive and could result in what you're experiencing.

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Dave Lindsay's 5,724 posts GB flag

4:59 PM

Eric Brett: According to the spec sheet, the August DVB400 doesn't really amplify anything, but though it does have the ability to supply 5 volts via the aerial input socket to power an aerial amplifier, if your in line boosters are self powered? then make sure that the 5 volts supply on the DVB400 is turned off.

The other thing to check is that the RF loop through on standby is set to "on", instructions for both the aforementioned on page 12 of your manual.

It would also be of assistance if your location was known, post code or one from nearby, e.g: shop / post office, as this would enable access to info on the transmitter that covers your area.

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
Monday, 23 February 2015
George Stephenson
12:40 PM

I have two TVs, both had good terrestrial freeview reception including SKY News, until recently. Now all other channels I watch are good but SKY News is either good, extremely pixelated or no signal.
I am located in BT22 2NH, my local tx is Divis. I have recently cancelled my expensive SKY on the strength of being able to see SKY News on freeview. Please help.

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George Stephenson's 1 post GB flag
George's: mapG's Freeview map terrainG's terrain plot wavesG's frequency data G's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Dave Lindsay

9:12 PM

George Stephenson: At your location you could potentially have difficulty with Divis' COM4/COM5/COM6 channels (which carry, ITV3, Pick, Dave, 4Music, Sky News etc) because these are co-channel (same frequencies) as those of Darvel in Scotland and Caldbeck in Cumbria. The PSB channels (BBC, UTV, Channel 4, Channel 5 etc) are not shared. As you are right against the sea then then it's possible that the unwanted signals could affect your reception at some times.

Has the signal level dropped from what it usually is? There are seven channels you should look at:

PSB1 - BBC One
COM5 - Pick
COM6 - 4Music
COM7 - BBC News HD

PSB3 and COM7 are only available with a Freeview HD receiver. COM7 is on lower power so might not be available to you.

If the problem is interference from Darvel or Caldbeck then the strength would be expected not to have reduced but the quality would have.

If you view the signal strength/quality screen on each channel, do so for a minute or so in order to see if there are fluctuations.

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Dave Lindsay's 5,724 posts GB flag
Friday, 12 June 2015
Brian Murray
5:50 PM

I live in CA14 area and receive transmissions from Caldbeck receiver. I have several tvs served by different aerials. For the last 9 months -or-so one of the tvs has lost channels from the BBCB multiplex.The aerial is a fairly new grid-type, my other aerial is an old, "contract" type .
Neighbours who don't have satellite dishes seem to have either Yagis or XBs
I want to change the grid aerial, which hopefully will restore the lost channels, but am confused which group aerial to buy - unless I am reading it wrong, this website says to use Group W, others say use Group A.
Which is correct?

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Brian Murray's 7 posts GB flag
Dave Lindsay

6:13 PM

Brian Murray: If it's to be a yagi then it should be a Group A (not wideband) or if it's a log periodic then it's likely to be wideband.


Rowridge Transmitter

All yagis have a gain curve which slopes downwards as you go to lower channels. The wider the 'band' of the yagi the more of a compromise it is. For examples to understand this, see:

Gain (curves), Again

The XB22WB , for example, has a good high gain on high channels, but not so on low, Group A channels. The thing is that Caldbeck uses Group A channels exclusively. Hence, using a high gain wideband aerial on it gives plenty of gain but not on the channels it uses. This is why you should use a Group A if it's a yagi.

The question is, is lack of gain really your issue? What's your reception of the lowest power multiplexes like?

COM7 - C32
COM8 - C35

Freeview services by multiplex listed here:

Digital UK Industry - Channel listings

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Dave Lindsay's 5,724 posts GB flag
Brian Murray
9:09 PM

Dave Lindsay: Thanks for your help. Reception of COM7 channels is fine, COM8 is non-existent .

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Brian Murray's 7 posts GB flag
Dave Lindsay

10:09 PM

Brian Murray: According to Digital UK, COM8 launched from Caldbeck only yesterday.

In which case, if you haven't already done so you should go to the manual tune screen and select/enter UHF channel number 35 (if there's an option for DVB-T or DVB-T2 then the latter should be chosen). Don't press the button to scan/add services straight away, instead wait and see what readings of strength and quality you get. If the going's good then add the channel.

According to Digital UK, power levels for Caldbeck channels are:

PSB1, PSB2, PSB3 - 100kW
COM4, COM5, COM6 - 50kW
COM7 - 31.91kW
COM8 - 35.8kW

We do not know whether COM8 is running on its full final power yet.

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Dave Lindsay's 5,724 posts GB flag
Dave Lindsay

10:12 PM

Brian Murray: Have you confirmed that BBCB is tuned to Caldbeck (England) on UHF channel 30?

And, silly question, but the grid aerial is mounted horizontally and not vertically?

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Dave Lindsay's 5,724 posts GB flag
Saturday, 13 June 2015
Brian Murray
12:48 PM

Dave Lindsay: tried the manual tuning option - unable to tune in any programmes on CH30 or CH35 - tv goes through the process of searching & tells me there is nothing there.
Grid aerial is mounted horizontally (had to wait for daylight to confirm this).

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Brian Murray's 7 posts GB flag
Dave Lindsay

1:40 PM

Brian Murray: That's odd. So what BBCB(PSB3) is it tuned to? This information (the tuned UHF channel and/or frequency) is given on the signal strength screen. Go to 101 BBC One HD and view the signal strength screen.

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Dave Lindsay's 5,724 posts GB flag
Brian Murray
2:11 PM

Dave Lindsay: I don't have any of the BBCB channels - I tried switching to 101 but just get message on screen saying invalid DVB channel

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Brian Murray's 7 posts GB flag
Dave Lindsay

2:18 PM

Brian Murray: What you're describing sounds like a TV which doesn't have a Freeview HD (DVB-T2) tuner in-built. Lots of people have been caught out by this. Are you sure it receives the HD channels itself or have you been viewing the HD channels using another tuner such as a PVR?

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Dave Lindsay's 5,724 posts GB flag
Brian Murray
3:07 PM

Dave Lindsay: I think you may be right - one of the tvs connected to this aerial is an old Panasonic, which is the one I have been using to test. I cannot get any of the BBCB channels on this TV, but I am sure I used to be able to get Film4+1on it previously.
The other TV is a fairly new Samsung, whichI have retuned(yet again) and it has "re-found" Film4+1 - the other HD channels are still there, but reception is very iffy- picture breaks up.

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Brian Murray's 7 posts GB flag
Dave Lindsay

5:18 PM

Brian Murray: As you may know, Film4+1 used to be on one of the COMs (COM5 IIRC) and it's now on BBCB. So even though it's in SD you need a HD receiver to get it. The TV or box you are using for the test must have a HD (DVB-T2) tuner in-built, usually branded as being "Freeview HD".

Retuning is a waste of time if it's tuned correctly -- you need to ascertain that that's the case. So is the Samsung tuned to UHF channel 30 (545.8MHz or 546MHz) for BBC One HD? If it is, what happens with a different aerial?

Perhaps there's a known issue with your model that is causing it to forget Film4+1. Let us know the model number and one of the experts on here might be able to shed light on that.

That said, perhaps the issue is Film4+1 moving multiplex and some remnant of its old multiplex being stored in your TV, this only being cleared out by a factory reset. This still doesn't explain the poor reception.

A grid aerial has low gain (because it has no elements and has wide acceptance angle). So it would seem unlikely that you could possibly be suffering from too high a signal level into your TV. Where this is the case, however, it usually affects HD multiplexes before SD muxes.

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Dave Lindsay's 5,724 posts GB flag
Brian Murray
6:05 PM

Dave Lindsay: Looks like I'll either have to replace the Panasonic or put up with not having those channels then.The Samsung is a fairly new TV,46" screen, purchased Dec2012 and is FreeviewHD with 3D. The Samsung is tuned to UHF channel 30. Haven't tried a different aerial yet as it's a long way up to our roof (big old house) and going up & down ladders isn't my favourite occupation.
However, if you think I would get better reception of UHF channel programmes by changing the aerial from the grid aerial to a Yagi then I will get a new Yagi aerial and change the aerials over.

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Brian Murray's 7 posts GB flag
Dave Lindsay

7:00 PM

Brian Murray: This would seem to be odd. Perhaps one of the other experts on here can chip in.

Brian gets poor reception of PSB3 with a grid aerial. COM7, which is on lower power, is received OK.

Brian, where are you in CA14? A full postcode is really needed. Due to the terrain you may or may not be able to see the transmitter. So can you see it from where the aerial's mounted or not?

And what's the signal strength reading from the Samsung on C30?

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Dave Lindsay's 5,724 posts GB flag
Brian Murray
9:25 PM

Dave Lindsay: Full post code is CA14 4ET- we are not able to see the transmitter- there are trees between us and the transmitter.
Doesn't appear to be any setting on the Samsung tv that shows signal strength reading

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Brian Murray's 1 post GB flag
Brian's: mapB's Freeview map terrainB's terrain plot wavesB's frequency data B's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Dave Lindsay

11:26 PM

Brian Murray: Here's a terrain plot:

Terrain between ( m a.g.l.) and (antenna m a.g.l.) - Optimising UK DTT Freeview and Radio aerial location

Line-of-sight could be obstructed all the way up to 2.5 miles which is Great Clifton. The grid aerial is probably not suited to such a location.

Remember that larger aerials "might" have been installed in order to receive pre-switchover digital signals which were on much lower power.

Different models from one manufacturer may have different menu systems, but I pulled this from the user manual of one current model:

MENU > Support > Self Diagnosis > Signal Information

For Caldbeck, if you get a yagi it should be a Group A, or a log periodic is usually wideband:

The Main Digital TV Transmitters (the 6 MUX transmitters)

Or using an existing aerial, install a distribution amplifier.

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Dave Lindsay's 5,724 posts GB flag
Sunday, 14 June 2015

12:06 PM

Dave Lindsay: V ision make a group A log periodic which would be preferable for reception from Caldbeck, it is a class 2 rather than the class 4 wideband version.

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KMJ,Derby's 1,811 posts GB flag
Dave Lindsay

1:11 PM

KMJ,Derby: Thanks KMJ. I believe this is the model you refer to:

V20A2 20 Element Log Periodic Group A Aerial ? Vision Products - Powerful Products. Easy Installation. Excellent Value

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Dave Lindsay's 5,724 posts GB flag
Dave Lindsay

1:29 PM

Brian Murray: There may other retailers of the Vision 20 element Group A Log (V20A2), but after a quick search here are two I found:


V20A2 Vision Aerial Log Periodic Group A | eBay

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Dave Lindsay's 5,724 posts GB flag
Brian Murray
8:33 PM

Dave Lindsay: Many Thanks for your help - will let you know how I get on.

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Brian Murray's 7 posts GB flag
Thursday, 9 July 2015

8:03 PM


Do not usually use our TV as we have TalkTalk Plus, but while waiting for the box to be changed tried to use the TV, but it only had channels 3 to 33 and no amount of re-tuning made any difference. I also have another freeview box, which we could use and this had all the channels.

New TalkTalk box arrives, and again, no problem with getting all channels, but the TV will still only re-tune from 3 to 33.

Any ideas? Has the tuner gone kaput on the TV?

ME15 9XQ



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Steve's 21 posts GB flag
Steve's: mapS's Freeview map terrainS's terrain plot wavesS's frequency data S's Freeview Detailed Coverage

8:05 PM

Of course, by TV, I really meant the TV Freeview tuner :-)

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Steve's 21 posts GB flag
Tuesday, 14 July 2015
philip Barrett
6:24 PM

Just purchased a new TV (LG 32LF5610) with built in free view hd receiver, done a post code search (de45 1te) where it confirms I can receive hd channels and yet I cannot pickup any HD cannels. Please can you advise

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philip Barrett's 1 post GB flag
philip's: ...

9:13 PM

philip Barrett: I just checked the spec on the web. Now I've always liked the 5 series, and the ones we've sold for the past couple of years have had an HD tuner as standard. Argos are knocked them out at 329, and if you'd bought one at that price, then I'd certainly expect it to have HD (and be smart). However, if you bought it from the likes of Pixamania, then the price of 199 (and just 2 HDMI's) means that its unlikely.

The LG site does not mention whether the tuner is DVB-T (freeview) or T2 (HD), but since the description is 'with Freeview', I'm afraid your not getting HD channels becuase it has no HD tuner. If you paid 300 notes, then take it back, because you've been ripped off (there is a reason I'd never buy a TV from catalogue shop or supermarket), and get your money back. We are knocking out the perfectly decent 580 model (so Freeview HD and Smart) for 329 Buy LG 32LF580V LED HD 1080p Smart TV, 32" with Freeview HD and Built-In Wi-Fi | John Lewis and the 650 series (so 3D as well, and a slightly better contrast ratio) for 369. Or the decent Samsung J5500 (again, Freeview HD and Smart) for 299.

I feel sorry for you - this sort of question had started to die off, with decent brand TV's generally now having Freeview HD tuners as standard, but obviously there is still a market - I just wish retailers would make it clear.

If you paid less than 200 notes for it, you can't expect that much. I've just got (as a hand me down) pretty much the same thing, but when LG were still doing LCD. With only 2 HDMI's iys a bit difficult to upgrade, but I've just bought a Manhatten T2 reciever for 44 quid. Not just an HD tuner, but also does Iplayer (if plugged into ethernet). A bit twitchy with signal strength on HD (a bit sensitive), but decent so far.

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MikeB's 2,579 posts GB flag

11:08 PM

MikeB /philip Barrett: The manual I have for that model indicates that HD tuners are only fitted in the Satellite version, non Satellite types being fitted with a standard DVB-T tuner.

On checking around a few suppliers of this model, I failed to find any of the outlets advertising it as being capable of receiving HD transmissions, a couple of examples seen on the undermentioned link.

LG Electronics 32LF5610 32" LED Full HD TV (32LF5610) - BT Shop

LG 32LF5610 specifications | Hardware.Info United Kingdom

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag

11:20 PM

jb38: LG tend not to even mention the sat tuner, but its nice to have it, all the same! Its really annoying that people are still buying TV's with just Freeview in them, but expecting more, because of the big letters HD used in the blurb by the likes of Argos. I know its all about price, but a clear description of the limitations of the set would be helpful. Once agin, its wise to read the small print, and remember that cheap is not cheap, expensive is not expensive.

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MikeB's 2,579 posts GB flag
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Jenny Hutchins
5:44 PM

Why can I record the new Talking Pictures channel 81 but can't watch it because it comes up as invalid DVB channel?

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Jenny Hutchins's 1 post GB flag
Sunday, 15 November 2015
William Floyd
3:00 PM

I have freeview in my Televison Panasonic TX-L32G10B, also in my Panasonic DVD Recorder DMR-BWT700, I can get Channel 81 Talking Pictures on my DVD Recorder but not on my TV.
I have tuned in the TV, both manually and auto, but still " Invalid Channel" show's up.
I have looked in the guide and there is no channels in the 80's.
Anyone got any suggestions

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William Floyd's 1 post GB flag

6:40 PM

William Floyd: The manual for this model indicates that HD reception is only possible when on Freesat mode, not Freeview. A way to verify if this is correct or not being to have a look at the EPG listings, if 101, (BBC1HD) or 103 ((ITV HD) is not seen? then the set is not fitted with an HD tuner which is necessary to view Talking pictures, as this programme is transmitted on COM7, an HD Multiplex.

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jb38's 7,179 posts GB flag
Saturday, 19 December 2015
7:34 PM

We live in Chelmsford, Essex. There has benn no change to our set up but overnight we now have very bad reception on BBC channels and no longer have any HD channels. We have a Samsung TV with build in Freeview receiver. Other channels like ITV and C4 are all fine.

I have reset the channels as described on this site but it has made no difference.

We use the London transmitter but it there is no difference when we connect to the Sudbury transmitter. It all worked fine - good BBC channels and HD channels but it has all gone wrong overnight.

Any advice would be welcome.

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Olaf's 1 post GB flag
Tuesday, 2 August 2016
Colin Berriman
9:56 AM

Over the past two days or more I have been unable to receive I.e NO SIGNAL on channels that are broadcast on Multiplexer Channel 31 from Tacolnaston. Is there a problem. I live in Stalham NR12

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Colin Berriman's 1 post GB flag

10:09 PM

Colin Berriman: You can check the status of the transmitter via this site, but if its working, its you. Check the rest of the muxes, it sounds like your system is going, and that mux has gone first.

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MikeB's 2,579 posts GB flag
Wednesday, 3 August 2016

1:16 PM

Colin Berryman:

Further to that said by MikeB, check the indicated signal strength for the affected channels. If the strength is too high, usually more than 85%, then the tuner will not be able to work properly with such strong signals. However, if the strength is less than about 45/50% then there is insufficient signal for the set to satisfactorily decode the signals.

If you have too much signal, and attenuator fitted in the flylead, so as not to put a downward strain on the aerial socket of the TV, will help reduce the strength. Attenuators are available for a few pounds and in various strengths.

If you have too little signal, check the aerial system as suggested by MikeB. If all is well, then you may need to add an aerial amplifier. More advice on that, if needed, depending on your feedback.

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MikeP's 3,056 posts GB flag
6:30 PM

MikeB: I cannot get Talking Pictures on freeview 81. Any ideas?
Neil Matthews BS20 8JG

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neil's 1 post GB flag
neil's: mapN's Freeview map terrainN's terrain plot wavesN's frequency data N's Freeview Detailed Coverage

11:04 PM

neil: If your using Mendip, then it has Com7, so you should be getting Talking Pictures, BBC4 HD, C4 + 1, etc. Unless you havn't got an HD tuner, in which case, your going to get zip. If you do have an HD tuner, then check signal strength - you might have a problem with your system, and since that mux is 25% less powerful than the rest, it might have vanished first.

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MikeB's 2,579 posts GB flag
Thursday, 4 August 2016
David Rigby
4:32 PM

The freeview reception here in Dorset (Postcode area DT10) has deteriorated considerably in the last few weeks. Has the Txmitter power been reduced or have other factor(s) appeared which would cause this?

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David Rigby's 1 post GB flag

4:55 PM

David Rigby: Transmit power has never been reduced on any UK transmitters since digital switchover, except temporarily when necessary for engineering work. You probably have a loose or damaged cable or joint somewhere, or perhaps water has gotten into your aerial system. Start from behind the TV and follow the aerial cable back as far as you are able to safely access. Swap out any jumper leads for a new or known working one. Unscrew any wall plates and check that the cable is securely connected at the back with no loose strands from the outer braid touching the inner connector.

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StevensOnln1's 3,695 posts GB flag
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
John H
12:42 PM

BBC4 HD and several other channels are on Rowridges two lowest-powered multiplexes - namely 10,000 and 24,400 watts. As I only have an indoor aerial I can't receive any of the channels on the two muxes.
Strange, though, that during the Olympics BBC4 HD returned - with no problems. Now that the Games are over the HD channel has disappeared.
Is there any way for me to appeal to the 'powers-that-be' that run Rowridge to increase the power to these two muxes?
All other channels, on the 200,000 watt muxes, are fine. Installing an external aerial isn't an option for me.

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John H's 14 posts GB flag

12:54 PM

John H: You're referring to the COM7 and COM8 multiplexes which are temporary services and are broadcast at lower power than the permanent multiplexes at nearly all of the 30 transmitters that carry them. They won't receive a power increase as this would cause interference with other transmitters broadcasting on the same frequencies and will be closing in 2020. BBC4 HD was moved to PSB3 temporarily to increase it's coverage during the Olympics but was moved back to it's normal home on COM7 yesterday.

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StevensOnln1's 3,695 posts GB flag
John H
3:33 PM

Hi StevensOnln1,
From what you're saying I can't receive COM7 or COM8 via my internal aerial. If these are due to close in 202 what will become of the stations they carry?
Obviously, I may have seriously look into an getting external aerial - and that's going to be difficult.
If I wasn't surrounded by trees I'd ditch Freeview in favour of Freesat :-(

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John H's 14 posts GB flag

4:03 PM

John H: By 2020 all the permanent multiplexes will have switched to DVB-T2 transmission mode (currently used by PSB3, COM7 & COM8) which will create plenty of additional capacity for the channels currently on COM7 and COM8 to move to. I would suggest you check your reception prediction via the link below (check the box for detailed view) before going to the expense of having a new aerial installed to check that you have a good chance of receiving COM7 and COM8 at your location.

Digital UK - Coverage checker

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StevensOnln1's 3,695 posts GB flag
Thursday, 25 August 2016
John H
1:02 PM

Hi again StevensOnln1,
Thank you for your help so far. In the web page that you directed me to the channels in question require "Freeview HD equipment". My television is about a year old and is HD. Do you know of any other equipment available that would allow me to receive the channels on COM7 and COM8?

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John H's 14 posts GB flag
1:37 PM

John H:

Further to that said by StevensOnln1, you will need a television or set top box that is not just 'HD Ready' but one fully equipped with an HD tuner to the DVB-T2 specification. Most recent TV sets that are fully equipped will be able to receive these transmissions. Find the make and model number and search on-line for the User Manual if you don't still have the one supplied. That will tell you whether it is a full HD set or just an HD Ready one which does not have a DVB-T2 tuner.

Whether you can receive them depends entirely on your location in relation to the appropriately equipped transmitters and whether there are any terrain problems making direct reception troublesome. The link provided earlier should show which transmitters you are likely to be able to receive, which services they provide and the direction an aerial should be aimed to receive their signals.

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MikeP's 2 posts GB flag
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