Read this: Death by a thousand transmitters

Summary: It's a national radio station, as you'd guess from the name but it's national on AM. AM Radio in Europe is different from the US not least, because stations are spaced 9kHz apart rather than the US's 10kHz. Absolute Radio's now asked Ofcom, the UK regulator, if it can switch off some of those power-hungry AM transmitters, and turn down a few others. - radioinfo.com.au
Transcriptions done by Google Cloud Platform.
Lots more recommendations to read at Trends - ukfree.tv.
Summaries are done by Clipped-Your articles and documents summarized.
Wednesday, 21 February 2018
Peter Bye11:52 PM
The costs recovered- conveniently for the broadcasters- fail to take account of the cost to "consumers".
This is a matter of listening quality...not always a clear win for the obvious and crucially
The Equipment cost in both power running and capitol costs - including breakdown costs and even safety
Remember to multiply by the number of receivers
On line is expensive and limited. Usually, the "online" consumer has already failed to think about their access costs, and not because they are negligible, but because they are using fashionable politically smiled upon gear.
Digital "platforms" are expensive to access; typically HOT, fault prone - even unsafe - and ludicrously complicated; and even then highly susceptible to signal problems.
" Sorry.... the radio comes on then goes off... all the time? OK switch it to FM and try moving it around (like a crystal set's cat's whisker) VERY carefully. Does that fix it ... even a bit? No?
THINKS: Then probably the over-worked PSU has (understandably) popped it's clogs again ....
Economics is great when done right. For whom is it "right" ?
This kind of thing does NOT SUPPORT the Industry/ our way of life etc etc...... that was mining arsenical coal ..
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Friday, 23 February 2018
well absolute radio management must still have the yachts,private planes,surely we cant deny their pleasures?
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Wednesday, 18 April 2018
Willie Bone8:40 AM
I live in the sticks within Dumfries & Galloway region and rely mostly on 4G delivery for radio services with decent choice! The coverage cutback of Absolute Radio AM will not affect me, nor most Absolute Radio fans who were early converts to digital!
I even need 4G to receive my local community radio service, Alive Radio 107.3 from Dumfries..
4G signal rception in Dumfries & Galloway region has greatly improved since December 2017..
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