Read this: Sir Hugh Greene, BBC radical, dies at 76: from the archive, 20 February 1987
Summary: Sir Hugh Greene, the former director-general of the BBC who presided over the radical transformation of the corporation's output in the 1960s, died in a London hospital yesterday, aged 76. Mr Alasdair Milne, who recently retired as BBC director-general, said last night 'Hugh Greene was a great liberalising influence in the BBC. With his background as a foreign correspondent in Germany and Poland before the war and his command of the BBC's German service during the war, he had a unique experience of the journalistic side of the BBC. 'He was therefore a natural choice as director-general in 1960. -
www.theguardian.comSir Hugh Greene, BBC radical, dies at 76…Transcriptions done by Google Cloud Platform.
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