New multiplex diagrams

I have updated the design of the multiplex diagrams to make them much easier to understand.
They now only show the TV channels (with the exception of the 10% of Multiplex 2/PSB2 allocated by the Broadcasting Act to Teletext Ltd).
The old diagrams made an attempt to show both the daytime and night-time multiplex configurations. As this was confusing, the diagrams show the evening version of the multiplex.
Also, the old diagrams attempted to show an accurate proportion of the bitrates allocated to channels, this has been dropped in favour of the clearer equal-share on the diagrams.
On the above diagram, the full width represents 24Mbps (of the 64QAM multiplexes) with the other four having 18Mbps.
On the above after-switchover diagram, the full width represents 40Mbps (of the Freeview HD multiplex) with the other four having 24Mbps.
(This was the previous version).