Can I stop paying Sky and use my satellite receiver to get Freeview ?

Yes, but only "sort of".
Freeview is the name of the (BBC-backed) digital TV system that uses hilltop transmitters to rooftop aerials. It is run separately from the "Sky" satellite-to-dish service.
free-to-VIEW is a term for satellite channels that need a viewing card to watch, but not to collect a subscription. free-to-AIR channels are ones that can be received without needing a viewing card or subscription.
The free-to-AIR satelite service backed by the BBC and ITV is called Freesat. The free-to-VIEW service operated by Sky is called fSfS or Freesat from Sky.
As long as you have finished your first year, you can leave Sky when you want.
To do this just give Sky a call and tell them you don't want to subscribe any more.
If you stop subscribing you will be able to watch the hundred or so free-to-air channels listed on free channels list. This service is called Freesat from Sky (fSfS).
Some of the channels on the Freeview service are subscription only on satellite, specifically: 4Music, Challenge, Dave, Dave ja vu, Quest, VIVA and Yesterday . See these links to compare the TV channels on Freesat-from-Sky and Freeview, and to compare radio stations on Freeview and fSfS. Many homes have free satellite and Freeview to get the full range of channels.
You will still need to keep your Sky viewing card. If you stop subscribing on a Sky contract, you can keep using that card to watch 5USA, 5* and PICK TV, the so-called "free-to-view" channels. (All ITV channels are free-to-air).
It is not possible to plug an aerial into a Sky Digibox to receive Freeview channels because the boxes have not been designed this way.
You will continue to get the full Sky EPG listings; you just will not be able to watch subscription channels.
If you want to go for High Definition, HD, you can swap out your Sky box for a Freesat one very easily.
A card is not needed to watch BBC services, but it is needed to get the correct BBC ONE and BBC TWO regions on 101 and 102.
Another option is to disconnect your Sky Digibox altogether and Upgrade from Sky to Freesat - If you have an HD-Ready TV and a standard Sky box, this is a good option.
11:22 AM
Richard - Just what is the domestic rate in the country(s) you visited. A bar restaurant I frequent in Spain pays 60 Euros a month - My local village pub was paying 830 pounds pee month and couldn't continue to pay this out. They are now going down an alternative route still paying to do so from another European source. Running the gauntlet of course until a final European Courts decision to be made later this year.
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12:02 PM
Les,Sky Sports can only be accessed abroad by obtaining a domestic subscription for an Irish or UK address.The publican uses this in his licensed premises.People in France and Spain have to be begged to take pay tv,hence the low domestic rate25 Euro/month with freebees thrown in.French andSpanish people do not have the same desire to have access to Sport on tv.Stadia in France on the last day of the season were 1/3 full.
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12:08 PM
Michael & others. Here we go again with -- Formula 1, with BSKYB getting the lions share and the BBC picking up what's left on the table.
As a UK O.A.P still paying a licence fee and with a reasonable fixed income I Like many more (and we do make up the largest demographic group - and growing rapidly - in this country). are unable to consider or maintain the ever increasing hike in subscriptions demanded by this commercial broadcasting "Cartel". Seems like the majority in this Country will continue to be "Shafted" over what's affordable by the minority.
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12:25 PM
Richard - the owner of the bar restaurant I frequent was telling me this past April, that the Spanish authorities have stepped back from any restrictive measures to clamp down there. You're not trying to tell me that SKY can't avail themselves of the Technology or the Legal means to take on the use of access outside the UK? It's a financial winner for them in free advertising of their product that impacts on the travelling public and acts as a potential subscriber catch on return to the UK.
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1:45 PM
Sky cannot act as if these were premises in the UK.Factors to be considered,the willingness of law enforcement to get involved,accomodating tourists from Britain and Ireland who contribute to the economy,connections with town hall.Local tv companies avail of Sky to provide cable tv for Irish holiday makers.Skys entry into the Irish market was not licensed or regulated.No vat is paid to the Irish government for Irish subcriptions by Sky,so a company who indulges such practises can expect to be ripped off.They have offered a price freeze to Irish suscribers until end of 08/2013,also Espn is being offered free with Sky Sports.Sky have a lot of yet unresolved issues in Ireland,let them come on and try to bully us as they do to people in Britain,over to you SKY.
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7:20 PM
Is this an attempt by BSKYB to raise money to finance another campaign of harrassment agaist the publicans of Britain?
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7:37 AM
I have sky HD with sky sports in my main home, I am buying a second home in Devon and would like the same situation in Devon without paying a second subscription!, how do I achieve it ?
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11:26 AM
Richard Anscombe- I think you will find that were you to notify SKY they would be looking for another subscription. You could of course install a dish having this done by a local rigger and either move your receiver around or buy another. There may be an issue with pairing your card on a second box though.
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2:27 PM
Hi Les, I respect you, you are talking about areas even i did not know.
All i can say is we are being ripped off and OFCOM are useless.
They are sitting there doing nothing as if they are owned by Rupert Murdoch - They are certainly not looking after our best interests.
Here is another one.
I emailed Turner Movies at the following email addresses on Sunday 24th July 2011
to ask them why we have to pay a fortune to watch the TCM Movie Channels on Sky?
And not one of these recipients bothered to answer me?
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2:30 PM
This was my exact email to Turner Movies:
Dear Sir,
Can you please explain to me why i have to pay over £300 per year to Rupert Murdoch's BskyB organisation to watch:
Channel 317 TCM
Channel 318 TCM2
Channel 601 Cartoon Network
Channel 602 CNN2
Channel 603 Boomerang
Why do you allow this organisation to encrypt your channels whilst you receive revenue from advertising?
There are millions of ordinary families in the UK that are affected by this?
Your Company has allowed this to continue for many years and it is time that you addressed it!
These channels should be free to view!
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