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All posts by Gary

Below are all of Gary's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Wednesday 2 May 2012 8:14PM

Hello, for the last few months i have racked my brains to find a solution to my problem!!,i have trolled through countless websites and generally spent hours looking but to no avail. I recently moved into a new house and in the first few days i decided to try and sort the tv reception out. the new property is a 1st floor flat so when i went up the loft i found what i think is a ' Philex SLx pro aerial attached to one of the roof uprights. Despite buying new coax attaching and re-attaching(12 hrs in total) i had no signal whatsoever. Tried adjusting the angle of the aerial aaaarrrggghhh its done my head in 8=). I should say that the aerial has a small amp on the side( about the size of a matchbox), does this need a power supply in order to work??. I eventuaaly got fantastic reception with a small indoor aerial(im guessing about £5 in value) which i lodged onto one of the struts with cable ties,now i have 2 tv's running from it with perfect picture quality and sound. I still wanna resolve the issue with my loft aerial though if anyone has any ideas.

Thank you so much. Gary

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Wednesday 2 May 2012 8:17PM

Update for my aerial issue...... i should say that i live in stoke on trent and am about 1 mile from the nearest transmitter.

Many thanks. Gary

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