I understand that most of Europe will now loose the reception from Freesat now that this change has happened so all the people who like myself who holiday in France,Spain, Italy & Germany who rely on the freest network to keep us informed of news at home will no longer be able to do this, WELL DONE.
One wonders what our European neighbours will think of this when we can if we wish see there programs on there satellites.
Friday 11 October 2013 4:07PM
I understand that most of Europe will now loose the reception from Freesat now that this change has happened so all the people who like myself who holiday in France,Spain, Italy & Germany who rely on the freest network to keep us informed of news at home will no longer be able to do this, WELL DONE.
One wonders what our European neighbours will think of this when we can if we wish see there programs on there satellites.