I, too, have lost all the channels in Com7 in the last couple of weeks, although my transmitter is Ridgehill. Neither my TV nor my PVR can find Channel 55 any more, although it was there a couple of weeks ago.
I took the comments on the Ridge Hill Transmitter page about 'Being removed from Freeview (for 5G use) after November 2020' to mean that Channel 55 was being closed, with the hope that the BBC HD channels would be moved to another channel/mux. However, Freeview today told me that Ridge Hill were still transmitting Channel 55, and that everything on Com 7 was fine.
Tuesday 1 December 2020 6:28PM
I, too, have lost all the channels in Com7 in the last couple of weeks, although my transmitter is Ridgehill. Neither my TV nor my PVR can find Channel 55 any more, although it was there a couple of weeks ago.
I took the comments on the Ridge Hill Transmitter page about 'Being removed from Freeview (for 5G use) after November 2020' to mean that Channel 55 was being closed, with the hope that the BBC HD channels would be moved to another channel/mux. However, Freeview today told me that Ridge Hill were still transmitting Channel 55, and that everything on Com 7 was fine.