For the last fortnight all BBC digital signals from Rowridge have been very weak, typically quality 3 or less on what appears to be a good strength signal of 9. ITV and all other channels typically have a quality of 7 on a strength of 10. Several re-tunes have not improved. I have a high gain 92 element type A roof-mounted aerial with a masthead amplifier. Post code is SO51 7LB. Please advise.
Tuesday 15 November 2011 9:20AM
For the last fortnight all BBC digital signals from Rowridge have been very weak, typically quality 3 or less on what appears to be a good strength signal of 9. ITV and all other channels typically have a quality of 7 on a strength of 10. Several re-tunes have not improved. I have a high gain 92 element type A roof-mounted aerial with a masthead amplifier. Post code is SO51 7LB. Please advise.