Hello Aidan,
You asked this a while ago but I thought I'd answer anyway. The Sky issued "pasta strainers" are curved as they receive satellie transmissions from 2 satellites at 28.2east and 28.5east. I cannot for the life of me understand why a satellite broadcaster would have two satellite dishes orbiting space .3 rather than just the one? Maybe it was to annoy people with their own standard round dishes, and to encourage them to sign up to Sky? I don't know
Tuesday 9 July 2013 2:07PM
Hello Aidan,
You asked this a while ago but I thought I'd answer anyway. The Sky issued "pasta strainers" are curved as they receive satellie transmissions from 2 satellites at 28.2east and 28.5east. I cannot for the life of me understand why a satellite broadcaster would have two satellite dishes orbiting space .3 rather than just the one? Maybe it was to annoy people with their own standard round dishes, and to encourage them to sign up to Sky? I don't know