I live at WA73HD, see reception map. The map does not show any colour for my area ? I can with the aid of aone for all 4 ch amplifier get most channels good strength about 50% quality, but they can be intermitent, ( time of year, trees etc). I have a 10 element and an 18 element uhf aerials outside on my bungalow. I would like guarantee reception in order to get talk talks current offer.My plan is new wideband digitalaerial, better quality aerial to feed the three tvs from a new low noise masthead, (probably located in the attic about 2 meters from aerial,Any comments please
Wednesday 27 November 2013 9:57AM
I live at WA73HD, see reception map. The map does not show any colour for my area ? I can with the aid of aone for all 4 ch amplifier get most channels good strength about 50% quality, but they can be intermitent, ( time of year, trees etc). I have a 10 element and an 18 element uhf aerials outside on my bungalow. I would like guarantee reception in order to get talk talks current offer.My plan is new wideband digital aerial, better quality aerial to feed the three tvs from a new low noise masthead, (probably located in the attic about 2 meters from aerial,Any comments please