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All posts by Sarah

Below are all of Sarah's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Freeview Retune - list of manuals
Sunday 7 August 2011 6:27PM


I am having trouble with my Logik TV (it's a HD 1080p Digital LCD with DVD Player). The TV is not recognising the remote control (this is the one which it orginally came with). They have worked fine together up until this point. I have replaced the batteries with new ones and the remote lights up red when I press buttons on it but the TV is just not recognising it. I would appreciate any help with this problem!


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Freeview Retune - list of manuals
Monday 8 August 2011 6:49PM

Thank you for your comment back Brian. I don't have an energy saving light shining nearby so it must be something to do with the infra-red receiver on the TV. Do you know whether this is something that can be fixed?


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Freeview Retune - list of manuals
Tuesday 9 August 2011 4:11PM

Thanks for both of your comments Brian and Mazbar.

Mazbar: It isn't just during the day-time that it isn't working. I have pressed every single button on the remote and nothing happens, so I think it must be a problem with the infra red receiver, like Brian mentioned.

Brian: I bought my TV last June and it was only under warranty for a year, so I doubt that they will fix it for me free of charge now. I will call into the retailer and see what they say though.

Thanks again.

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Freeview Retune - list of manuals
Tuesday 9 August 2011 5:39PM

I hadn't tried that Mazbar no, but I will try it now, thanks.

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Freeview Retune - list of manuals
Tuesday 9 August 2011 6:04PM

jb38: Thanks for that comment. I was wondering how I would know whether it was the infra-red receiver on the TV that was broken or whether it was the infra-red sender on the remote control. I have just tested it using my camera and I did see a flickering white dot so it mustn't be the remote control.

Mazbar: I have just unplugged the TV from the mains and this hasn't worked either.

Thanks to everyone for your help but it looks like I'm going to have to take it back to the retailer and see if they can fix it.

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Freeview Retune - list of manuals
Tuesday 9 August 2011 6:51PM

Mike: Thanks, but this was one of the first things which I checked. I cleaned the receiver window on the TV as well as the infra-red sender on the remote but still no luck.

I just wish this had happened two months earlier, as then it would still be under warranty. It's just frustrating!

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