just recently I'm getting poor reception and a reduced signal strength on both my TVs, which are served by a common aerial. Several stations are affected. My closest transmitter is Emley Moor and this has always been the station picked up by auto scan. But I am now getting BBC1 preferentially from Bilsdale and a poor signal strength across the board. Is there a problem with the Emley moor transmitter?
Tuesday 7 January 2014 10:29AM
just recently I'm getting poor reception and a reduced signal strength on both my TVs, which are served by a common aerial. Several stations are affected. My closest transmitter is Emley Moor and this has always been the station picked up by auto scan. But I am now getting BBC1 preferentially from Bilsdale and a poor signal strength across the board. Is there a problem with the Emley moor transmitter?