OK, OK I know all about the inversion effect etc. but the reception in Broadstairs/Pam Bay Area has now got silly on freeview (or in my case NOview) just done a rescan and found 36 Channels as far as I can tell all DUTCH! I know our local MP is meant to be helping but it has now got silly, completely beyond belief, what do we pay our TV licence for, can we get a refund for the days we have no coverage! Can we push for the "Go Live" date to be brought forward, I think not but if the powers that be DO look at this Blog/Site can they think of, as a temporary measure at least, putting a digitalrelay on the Margate mast and letting us have at least the main Channels (BBC, ITV, CH4 (and 4 offshoots) and Five with 5* and 5USA as there are more OFF days that working days now!
Friday 6 May 2011 10:21AM
OK, OK I know all about the inversion effect etc. but the reception in Broadstairs/Pam Bay Area has now got silly on freeview (or in my case NOview) just done a rescan and found 36 Channels as far as I can tell all DUTCH! I know our local MP is meant to be helping but it has now got silly, completely beyond belief, what do we pay our TV licence for, can we get a refund for the days we have no coverage! Can we push for the "Go Live" date to be brought forward, I think not but if the powers that be DO look at this Blog/Site can they think of, as a temporary measure at least, putting a digital relay on the Margate mast and letting us have at least the main Channels (BBC, ITV, CH4 (and 4 offshoots) and Five with 5* and 5USA as there are more OFF days that working days now!