I'm receiving Freeview from the Oxfordtransmitter using the right sort of rooftop antenna. Most of the time it is perfect, with the Humax PVR reporting at least 95% signal and solid 100% quality, but on some days there are occasional brief (fraction of a second) interruptions where the signal goes to zero. Is it conceivable this could be weather, or is it more likely flaky wiring?
Friday 30 July 2021 8:43PM
I'm receiving Freeview from the Oxford transmitter using the right sort of rooftop antenna. Most of the time it is perfect, with the Humax PVR reporting at least 95% signal and solid 100% quality, but on some days there are occasional brief (fraction of a second) interruptions where the signal goes to zero. Is it conceivable this could be weather, or is it more likely flaky wiring?