Transmitter engineering: Sirs, since the engineering work on the Durris Trasmitter I have not been able to receive ANY t v channels excepting those received via by B T Box. I have tried to re tune, a procedure I am familiar with , but always see that there are no channels being received during and after this operation has been completed.
I continue to receive a screen message to say Weak or No Signal but I am convinced there is a strong signal available to my flat. This is because I have another smaller set in my bedroom which takes its signal from the same arial socket and no other tenants in my block are having this problem.
Before the engineering work took place at Durris all channels worked well. I have been away for a while and have returned to exactly the same situation that prevailed before I went away.
Whist attempting to retune the auto tuning message on screen shows the green bar percentage increasing with time so I assume its trying to find channels but the end game is no channels received. Please help me overcome this problem as I am an OAP and need my television so much.
Tuesday 16 October 2018 1:45PM
Transmitter engineering: Sirs, since the engineering work on the Durris Trasmitter I have not been able to receive ANY t v channels excepting those received via by B T Box. I have tried to re tune, a procedure I am familiar with , but always see that there are no channels being received during and after this operation has been completed.
I continue to receive a screen message to say Weak or No Signal but I am convinced there is a strong signal available to my flat. This is because I have another smaller set in my bedroom which takes its signal from the same arial socket and no other tenants in my block are having this problem.
Before the engineering work took place at Durris all channels worked well. I have been away for a while and have returned to exactly the same situation that prevailed before I went away.
Whist attempting to retune the auto tuning message on screen shows the green bar percentage increasing with time so I assume its trying to find channels but the end game is no channels received. Please help me overcome this problem as I am an OAP and need my television so much.