Hi I have a current SKY HD box and full HD package. I have lost my job and am looking to cut costs quickly. Options:
1) Cancel SKY fully. Loose recoridng functions plus subscriptionchannels. Advisor at SKY told me I will only get five channels (THE FTA ones) and I would need to purchase a freesat card for £25 to get the others. I thought using an old ex subscription SKY card enabled the FTV channels via the SKY box? The advisor said this has now changed and I would need to buy a Freesat card! SI this correct? Can anyone confirm if an old sky card still works or not and also what channels you exactly receive if doing this method versus actually buying a free sat card (for old sky box)?
2) Cancel SKY subs but pay the £10 month to keep the SKY+ recording functionality?
3) Reduce subs to lowest package (£18 I think). Tis would gve me recording functionality included and how many extra channels compares to options 1 /2 above?
Monday 10 January 2011 2:12PM
Hi I have a current SKY HD box and full HD package. I have lost my job and am looking to cut costs quickly. Options:
1) Cancel SKY fully. Loose recoridng functions plus subscription channels. Advisor at SKY told me I will only get five channels (THE FTA ones) and I would need to purchase a freesat card for £25 to get the others. I thought using an old ex subscription SKY card enabled the FTV channels via the SKY box? The advisor said this has now changed and I would need to buy a Freesat card! SI this correct? Can anyone confirm if an old sky card still works or not and also what channels you exactly receive if doing this method versus actually buying a free sat card (for old sky box)?
2) Cancel SKY subs but pay the £10 month to keep the SKY+ recording functionality?
3) Reduce subs to lowest package (£18 I think). Tis would gve me recording functionality included and how many extra channels compares to options 1 /2 above?