For some reason this web site is suggesting completely the wrong transmitters for my location, despite marking my location and that of my local mobile aerial masts correct on the map. It used to be fine up to around 18 months ago, but even if I clear the site cookie and the post code field and start again from scratch it always suggests Hannington and Hemel Hempstead (and maps their coverage on the map) despite the fact that I live around 12 miles due west of the Waltham transmitter in the East Midlands!
Any ideas?
Monday 4 August 2014 12:21AM
For some reason this web site is suggesting completely the wrong transmitters for my location, despite marking my location and that of my local mobile aerial masts correct on the map. It used to be fine up to around 18 months ago, but even if I clear the site cookie and the post code field and start again from scratch it always suggests Hannington and Hemel Hempstead (and maps their coverage on the map) despite the fact that I live around 12 miles due west of the Waltham transmitter in the East Midlands!
Any ideas?