I have a LG.LE5300 mod.When viewing BBC1/2 the picture fractures,sound vanishes and floating box appears stating NO SIGNAL.I have had a new aerial cable fitted.Aerial is located on chimney.TV returned to LG for repair.After investigation no foult found but a the main circuit board was replaced.I still have the problem,contacted LG again who say there is not a fault with TV!The problem is intermitant,Very bad at W/ends between 5&7pm.Any ideas please?Fault driving me around the bend.Tv not a year old,aerial i am told is fine.
Saturday 26 March 2011 2:52PM
St. Albans
I have a LG.LE5300 mod.When viewing BBC1/2 the picture fractures,sound vanishes and floating box appears stating NO SIGNAL.I have had a new aerial cable fitted.Aerial is located on chimney.TV returned to LG for repair.After investigation no foult found but a the main circuit board was replaced.I still have the problem,contacted LG again who say there is not a fault with TV!The problem is intermitant,Very bad at W/ends between 5&7pm.Any ideas please?Fault driving me around the bend.Tv not a year old,aerial i am told is fine.