How can anyone make a comment with strict and willfully arrogant threats to block / delete any comments.
This is how the decrepit and long in the past BBC, Totally out of step but gobbling up millions a week of licenclicence payers money. Massive incomes too so called celeb staff and managers costing Billions.
Time to dissolve the once useful but no longer "BBC and thieving licence fee!!!!!
Saturday 9 March 2024 8:14PM
How can anyone make a comment with strict and willfully arrogant threats to block / delete any comments.
This is how the decrepit and long in the past BBC, Totally out of step but gobbling up millions a week of licenclicence payers money. Massive incomes too so called celeb staff and managers costing Billions.
Time to dissolve the once useful but no longer "BBC and thieving licence fee!!!!!