Transmitter engineering: We are receiving problems with our BBC CHANNELS on a regular basis that it blacks out the screen and a No Signal panel comes up. Often this is in the morning and if we are waiting things like Homes Under the Hammer etc are missed out or partly missed or interrupted. Most regularly it happens on a Friday morning. We only have a roof Ariel and not a disc or Sky Digibox. Can you help with some answers for this problem. Last night we lost most of One Show and Spotlight News.
Wednesday 1 November 2017 10:26AM
Transmitter engineering: We are receiving problems with our BBC CHANNELS on a regular basis that it blacks out the screen and a No Signal panel comes up. Often this is in the morning and if we are waiting things like Homes Under the Hammer etc are missed out or partly missed or interrupted. Most regularly it happens on a Friday morning. We only have a roof Ariel and not a disc or Sky Digibox. Can you help with some answers for this problem. Last night we lost most of One Show and Spotlight News.