My 81 year old mothers new digital tv was working fine after switch over in april but in the last 2 weeks she is experiencing major problems with digital signal on all BBC chanels. Have you done something to the signal strength as nothing has changed in her set up here. She has hearing aids so the sqweeks and tweets delivered by poor signal on all BBC chanels is quite irritating for her ears. She cannot afford SKYsubscription and has not received any assistance with digital switchover. We purchased a new tv for her for christmas.
Monday 15 August 2011 6:40PM
My 81 year old mothers new digital tv was working fine after switch over in april but in the last 2 weeks she is experiencing major problems with digital signal on all BBC chanels. Have you done something to the signal strength as nothing has changed in her set up here. She has hearing aids so the sqweeks and tweets delivered by poor signal on all BBC chanels is quite irritating for her ears. She cannot afford SKY subscription and has not received any assistance with digital switchover. We purchased a new tv for her for christmas.