For the past few evenings, my Sky Digibox works for a couple of hours, but then No Signal appears intermittently - sometimes TV off an hour or more. Sadly, was working when engineer called, so he says probably the ageing Digibox. I have since followed your system reset advice. Signal strength is around 50%, quality around 65% - obviously disappearing when No Signal notice. Could dish need nudging or do I need a new box? Help!
Wednesday 21 November 2012 11:36PM
For the past few evenings, my Sky Digibox works for a couple of hours, but then No Signal appears intermittently - sometimes TV off an hour or more. Sadly, was working when engineer called, so he says probably the ageing Digibox. I have since followed your system reset advice. Signal strength is around 50%, quality around 65% - obviously disappearing when No Signal notice. Could dish need nudging or do I need a new box? Help!