Since Sudbury turned off analogue completely, and turned up the digital transmit powers, I cannot get any of the stations on c58 or c60. All the others c41/c44/c47/c56 are excellent, with usually 100% signal quality and 75% or better signal strength.
I have a new (this year) 25dB MHA with a 48-element aerial and satellite grade cabling (new this year) throughout.
I have tried three different receivers of two different brands (Philips, Echostar) with the same result.
Any ideas anyone?
Wednesday 10 October 2012 12:49PM
Since Sudbury turned off analogue completely, and turned up the digital transmit powers, I cannot get any of the stations on c58 or c60. All the others c41/c44/c47/c56 are excellent, with usually 100% signal quality and 75% or better signal strength.
I have a new (this year) 25dB MHA with a 48-element aerial and satellite grade cabling (new this year) throughout.
I have tried three different receivers of two different brands (Philips, Echostar) with the same result.
Any ideas anyone?