I've got a sky plus box, Worked fine until suddenly it's showing no signal. I've tried a signal finder meter at the box and I've got power out from the sky box at both LNB cable connectors. I've also got a good signal strength when I connect either cable using the signal meter connected between the LNB cables and the digi box. I called Sky and the guy told me how to reset the box, which I did. But I've still got no signal. Is it likely to be a faulty box?
Monday 26 November 2012 6:50PM
I've got a sky plus box, Worked fine until suddenly it's showing no signal. I've tried a signal finder meter at the box and I've got power out from the sky box at both LNB cable connectors. I've also got a good signal strength when I connect either cable using the signal meter connected between the LNB cables and the digi box. I called Sky and the guy told me how to reset the box, which I did. But I've still got no signal. Is it likely to be a faulty box?