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All posts by Peter Harris

Below are all of Peter Harris's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Firstly, many, many thanks to and its posters for alerting me to this interference issue. I spent ages trying to work out what was wrong with our TV and was on the verge of buying a new one! Then I found these posts. I duly contacted Restore TV and they confirmed that there had been 'changes' at a local mobile phone mast. They sent me a CH48 filter and all is well again. My neighbour was having similar issues so he went through the same process and his loss of channels / pixelation impacting CH43 and CH46 stations has been fixed too. We both have rather elderly TV distribution amps - the modern ones have filters built-in which may explain why other folk had no problems. We live in the WD5 postcode area, so it's not just impacting HP3.

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