My Sky HD box started recoreding some things but not others. So I switched the power off and done a reboot. Now all a get is the No Signal message. I have tried many reboots twice I have had the Sky Intro channel playing but when I try another channel it say No signal again. Ive contacted sky, not much help, checked the cables, swopped them over, tried a different HDMI cable to connect it to the TV, but still nothing, Any Suggestions?
Monday 22 April 2013 7:24PM
My Sky HD box started recoreding some things but not others. So I switched the power off and done a reboot. Now all a get is the No Signal message. I have tried many reboots twice I have had the Sky Intro channel playing but when I try another channel it say No signal again. Ive contacted sky, not much help, checked the cables, swopped them over, tried a different HDMI cable to connect it to the TV, but still nothing, Any Suggestions?