I live in Ilkley and we live near the Emley moor signal thingy but we cant get any channels the majority of the time except bbc channels we have tried retuning and buying a new cable we dont have a box or anything they seem to work when the weather is good but as soon as it starts raining or the wind picks up we lose them and they don't come back on for days we literally get all the channels about once or twice a week if we are lucky does anybody know why this happens as it's a bit of a joke really what's the point in having loads of channels that you can't actually watch
Friday 6 January 2012 7:30PM
I live in Ilkley and we live near the Emley moor signal thingy but we cant get any channels the majority of the time except bbc channels we have tried retuning and buying a new cable we dont have a box or anything they seem to work when the weather is good but as soon as it starts raining or the wind picks up we lose them and they don't come back on for days we literally get all the channels about once or twice a week if we are lucky does anybody know why this happens as it's a bit of a joke really what's the point in having loads of channels that you can't actually watch