Last month or so, BBC1 signal on in-built Freeview on my Panasonic plasma tv has been dropping out every few seconds; it's really, really annoying! All other channels have excellent signal strength and a retune hasn't solved the issue. Am in Musselburgh, East Lothian and signal being picked up by aerial in our attic, facing Craigkelly, I think.
Saturday 20 December 2014 9:19AM
Last month or so, BBC1 signal on in-built Freeview on my Panasonic plasma tv has been dropping out every few seconds; it's really, really annoying! All other channels have excellent signal strength and a retune hasn't solved the issue. Am in Musselburgh, East Lothian and signal being picked up by aerial in our attic, facing Craigkelly, I think.
Any ideas?