I live in an area with no freeview reception and am looking at the best (cheapest?)way to get TV reception in our main bedroom.
In our living room we have sky+HD with a current subscription.
If I get an engineer to run two cables from our existing sky dish into the bedroom and then I buy a second hand sky+ box and connect it up, what functionality would I get?
Would it
a)be able to play/pause/rewind?
b)be able to record?
Have also looked at the options of buying a freesat box (basic / HD or HD+).
Saturday 1 January 2011 8:07PM
Many thanks for help with this...
I live in an area with no freeview reception and am looking at the best (cheapest?)way to get TV reception in our main bedroom.
In our living room we have sky+HD with a current subscription.
If I get an engineer to run two cables from our existing sky dish into the bedroom and then I buy a second hand sky+ box and connect it up, what functionality would I get?
Would it
a)be able to play/pause/rewind?
b)be able to record?
Have also looked at the options of buying a freesat box (basic / HD or HD+).
Many thanks