Rob F
I have a digital arial with 16 elements (8 sets of 2). I run a arial lead from the main tv to a four way signal enhancer. 1 of the out leads goes to the DVD/VHS recoder and 2 others to 2 other tv's. I get tempory sound loss on the newest tv (last about a second). Does anyone know if I would get a better picture with no sound loss if I got an arial with more elements and replaced the brown arial cable outside for black ?
Friday 20 May 2011 9:29PM
Rob F
I have a digital arial with 16 elements (8 sets of 2). I run a arial lead from the main tv to a four way signal enhancer. 1 of the out leads goes to the DVD/VHS recoder and 2 others to 2 other tv's. I get tempory sound loss on the newest tv (last about a second). Does anyone know if I would get a better picture with no sound loss if I got an arial with more elements and replaced the brown arial cable outside for black ?