Can Big Centre TV reach me in Aldridge? All the postcode sites seem to say I can recieve the L-BRM mux from the antenna, but it's the only one I can't seem to pick up no matter how many times I auto/manual re-tune. Starting to think that maybe the signal is only beamed in a more southerly direction (obviously toward Birmingham), but the broadcast is from Walsall - a stone's throw from me. Seems a shame if I can't get it.
Sunday 1 March 2015 2:32PM
Mark Wood: Hi Mark,
Can Big Centre TV reach me in Aldridge? All the postcode sites seem to say I can recieve the L-BRM mux from the antenna, but it's the only one I can't seem to pick up no matter how many times I auto/manual re-tune. Starting to think that maybe the signal is only beamed in a more southerly direction (obviously toward Birmingham), but the broadcast is from Walsall - a stone's throw from me. Seems a shame if I can't get it.
All replies very welcome.