The signal from the Welsh transmitter is some times available during good weather but as you say buildings do play their part, getting in the way.
The Stourton transmatter is designed to serve Liverpool, which it does very well
But i suppose we are in the minority and you cant expect the people in digital uk to do their job properly.
Thanks for your reply.
Let's hope the people concerned can scrape a few pence together to upgrade storeton.
Cheers Phil Walpole
Thursday 18 June 2015 2:18PM
The signal from the Welsh transmitter is some times available during good weather but as you say buildings do play their part, getting in the way.
The Stourton transmatter is designed to serve Liverpool, which it does very well
But i suppose we are in the minority and you cant expect the people in digital uk to do their job properly.
Thanks for your reply.
Let's hope the people concerned can scrape a few pence together to upgrade storeton.
Cheers Phil Walpole