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All posts by MikeB

Below are all of MikeB's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

2050 Tube Map | Affiliated (blog)
Wednesday 17 September 2014 7:57PM

Briantist: An amazing map, and one which shows just how complex and large London's transport links are (and will be). You've done a fantastic job in showing what might be, if money etc allow it.

One thing did strike me. While not a 'train buff', I do find the Tube facinating, not least in the way it has shaped London, and the often arbitary way in which the system has developed (I have a background in archaeology, so its nice to to see some of the forces in action when cities grow). I've recently read Christian Wolmar's 'The Subterranean Railway', and in it, he paints a picture of the 19th century railway companies restlessly expanding throughout London and beyond, no matter what the economics of the plans might mean.

If you look at the Northern parts of the map, you'll see Sir Edward Watkin's vision of the Metropolitan Railway made flesh - expansion well beyond London and connections to the rest of the rail system. I seem to remember that Crossrail is taking the much earlier idea of a 'through' railway , which had been mooted even before the 1940's proposals, and there might have even been plans for the outer 'orbitable' railways. It looks that by 2050, plans thought up c.1890 might have actually become reality!

London Under London is an excellent book, and although there is lots more information on the market now, it would be nice to have a (very much) updated version.

I remember the North London Line in the late 1980's - I caught a train one weekday afternoon which closely resembled a bus on tracks, complete with a conducter armed with a bus style ticket machine! It was a bit like something out of John Betjeman's 'London's historic railway stations' or 'The London Nobody Knows'.

Any chance of a map showing 19th century plans overlaid with 21st century ones? I'll understand if you want a rest for a while...

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Nightjar: Yes, I was wondering as well, since nothing bad happened. Of course nobody has got back to me yet...

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Isla: Ok - so they sort of work...

I'm going to ring them tomorrow, because this is getting annoying. Sort it, or dont sort it, but at least give us some information about what your doing!

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Tiny Pop
Friday 19 September 2014 11:30AM

Mike Hudson: How exactly are the programmes to be paid for? Charity? And it is free, because your not paying a subscription (at least in theory).

If there is a 'free' baby programme on Sky, then your paying for it via a Sky subscription. Of course there is an excellent channel for young children free of all adverts, and which costs you nothing extra - its called Cbeebies...

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John: The retune was for TV only, not DAB.

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Have just rung up the Beeb, and the chap has logged what I said, and has passed on a link
to this site!
By the sound of it, we seem to be on the mend, but info and guidance would have been helpful!

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js: That sounds like it could be the problem, although I have to admit that some of that is over my head!

Although the Goodman's box continues to be sold (as well a similar boxes), its possible that the actual spec is a little old. Why the box should freeze, but then often work after a reboot, and why they sometimes don't respond to the remote is beyond me. And why BBC channels?

Since my box started to have problems a couple of weeks before the retune, could it be that Waltham might have changed the NIT early, and so the problem didn't show up generally until after the 3rd?

We await the BBC's reply with interest..

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Christopher Millward: Are you sure you've tuned to the correct transmitter. If your suddenly getting a poor signal strength, when it was fine before, either your aerial has developed a problem, or transmitter strenght has suddenly weakened. In that case, is it the right one?

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Christopher Millward: What machine do you have? (we thought the Goodmans curse was lifting..but maybe it continues!).

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Rowridge (Isle Of Wight, England) transmitter
Sunday 21 September 2014 11:26AM

David Styles: Yes, as Dave Lindsay points out, lots of us have been having this problem. I'm waiting to hear back from the BBC, but it does seem that things are starting to return to normal, so your box should be working.

If its not, post on the thread that Dave linked to, and say what your equipment, transmitter and particular problem is, so I can feed that back to them.

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