Hi 5usa, I love watching law and order, but I am annoyed that you are missing episodes out at the near end of most series. You showed the series after Jerry Orbach (Lenny) left, that was if I remember correctly series 15, then then you showed series 16 but not all as you missed out at least 2 episodes where the that replaced Lenny either left or was killed in action. Also the ADA assistant was replaced and again no reason scene. Please can you let me know the reason for this.
Thursday 11 August 2022 2:49PM
Hi 5usa, I love watching law and order, but I am annoyed that you are missing episodes out at the near end of most series. You showed the series after Jerry Orbach (Lenny) left, that was if I remember correctly series 15, then then you showed series 16 but not all as you missed out at least 2 episodes where the that replaced Lenny either left or was killed in action. Also the ADA assistant was replaced and again no reason scene. Please can you let me know the reason for this.