I've been having problems with the BBC stations for the past 3 weeks or so. Blocking, freezing. It was abysmal yesterday trying to watch the tennis. Can you check to see what the issue is. The ITV, Channel 4 Channel 5 etc are fine but all the BBC ones are a real problem at times. I've done a re-install, reset etc but problem still persists. Post code is G83.
Wednesday 26 June 2013 12:00PM
I've been having problems with the BBC stations for the past 3 weeks or so. Blocking, freezing. It was abysmal yesterday trying to watch the tennis. Can you check to see what the issue is. The ITV, Channel 4 Channel 5 etc are fine but all the BBC ones are a real problem at times. I've done a re-install, reset etc but problem still persists. Post code is G83.