We have real problems getting decent digital signal here in the S edge of Hermitage. We are on a N facing hill so even though Hannington is there nearest transmitter, it is shielded from us by the hill. We are also surrounded by trees. Many times the picture breaks up and and then there's no signal for some minutes. Any suggestions for improving reception would be gratefully received. As with most of our neighbours we have a good aerial and mast-head amplifier.
Friday 7 January 2011 5:47PM
We have real problems getting decent digital signal here in the S edge of Hermitage. We are on a N facing hill so even though Hannington is there nearest transmitter, it is shielded from us by the hill. We are also surrounded by trees. Many times the picture breaks up and and then there's no signal for some minutes. Any suggestions for improving reception would be gratefully received. As with most of our neighbours we have a good aerial and mast-head amplifier.