Myself and my neighbours have had trouble with our televisions for the last two days (29 to 30 December) with blackouts of programs, sometimes for hours on end. Last night was very bad. This morning turned TV on and there was no programme on at all, anywhere.
I don't know if our TV (and our neighbours TVs in this road) need retuning. We are all older people
in this road and we do not always understand the technology to put these things right.
I should be very pleased if you could help us to put this matter right.
Monday 30 December 2019 3:40PM
Myself and my neighbours have had trouble with our televisions for the last two days (29 to 30 December) with blackouts of programs, sometimes for hours on end. Last night was very bad. This morning turned TV on and there was no programme on at all, anywhere.
I don't know if our TV (and our neighbours TVs in this road) need retuning. We are all older people
in this road and we do not always understand the technology to put these things right.
I should be very pleased if you could help us to put this matter right.
Thank you