We live in the Eve Hill area of Dudley with a clear view to the Wrekintransmitter. We have purchased a new digital areial and have been able to recieve multiplexes 1, 2, A, B and D fine for a number of years however of around last week for some reason we are now only able to get 1 and A with all other channels showing no signal, have reset box and added channels again and now the channels have deleted completly. Why can we no longer receive these channels, any ideas to solutions or should we just wait till the 20th of April or will that make no difference either?
Monday 11 April 2011 5:15PM
We live in the Eve Hill area of Dudley with a clear view to the Wrekin transmitter. We have purchased a new digital areial and have been able to recieve multiplexes 1, 2, A, B and D fine for a number of years however of around last week for some reason we are now only able to get 1 and A with all other channels showing no signal, have reset box and added channels again and now the channels have deleted completly. Why can we no longer receive these channels, any ideas to solutions or should we just wait till the 20th of April or will that make no difference either?