Over the last couple of months my 2 TVs that run off the roof aerial regularly have pixelated screens/ no signal in the mornings. By mid/late afternoon the signal is back and the viewing fine. All channels are affected in the mornings apart from That's Hampshire - a local channel, which continues unaffected. I think we get our signal from the Hanningtontransmitter. My post code is RG26 5ax.
Do you have any suggestions about what is happening and why? We are totally puzzled.
Monday 20 May 2019 9:34PM
Over the last couple of months my 2 TVs that run off the roof aerial regularly have pixelated screens/ no signal in the mornings. By mid/late afternoon the signal is back and the viewing fine. All channels are affected in the mornings apart from That's Hampshire - a local channel, which continues unaffected. I think we get our signal from the Hannington transmitter. My post code is RG26 5ax.
Do you have any suggestions about what is happening and why? We are totally puzzled.