I notice that there has been a number of transmitter engineering works recently to date. Can you confirm that this is the probable cause for our recent poor signal and interruption when watching tv. It has been getting progressively worse over the last two weeks with no sign of improving despite having received a really good signal up to then? Ihave retuned a number of times but with no improvement. This is proving to be very frustrating and annoying now and I was under the impression that this was the way forward when the analogue signal was turned off.
I look forward to your prompt and valued response,
Ashford, Kent
Wednesday 21 October 2015 5:53PM
I notice that there has been a number of transmitter engineering works recently to date. Can you confirm that this is the probable cause for our recent poor signal and interruption when watching tv. It has been getting progressively worse over the last two weeks with no sign of improving despite having received a really good signal up to then? Ihave retuned a number of times but with no improvement. This is proving to be very frustrating and annoying now and I was under the impression that this was the way forward when the analogue signal was turned off.
I look forward to your prompt and valued response,
Ashford, Kent