I hope you can help! I have installed a Magic Eye in my bedroom I bought a two metre lead (digital caux) as the sky box is just opposite my bedroom wall the Magic eye is lite and I have the satalite picture on the tv yet I cannot turn over the Channel. The eye is flashing so I know its sending a signal yet it does not respond. please please help. I called sky and they took me though the process regarding setting the rf2 power on and I saved all the settings yet still can't work the system, they told me after calling again they dont get involved with magic eyes!!!!!
Saturday 10 September 2011 7:52PM
I hope you can help! I have installed a Magic Eye in my bedroom I bought a two metre lead (digital caux) as the sky box is just opposite my bedroom wall the Magic eye is lite and I have the satalite picture on the tv yet I cannot turn over the Channel. The eye is flashing so I know its sending a signal yet it does not respond. please please help. I called sky and they took me though the process regarding setting the rf2 power on and I saved all the settings yet still can't work the system, they told me after calling again they dont get involved with magic eyes!!!!!