I was looking on this site to find details of the aerial specification I need for receiving transmissions from the Beacon Hill mast. Due to planning requirements I must use an indoor aerial and have one mounted in my loft area, but I suspect it's a 'cheapy' and thought that a good quality replacement might help with the poor signal quality & strength I experience. However, I see that there is some speculation that transmissions from Beacon Hill are due to change and will require a 'wideband' (whatever that is) aerial, if this is so I'd be a chump to buy a new aerial now only for it to become redundant later this year. Does anyone know if this is true, and what constitutes a good quality aerial anyway?
Monday 27 February 2012 12:52PM
I was looking on this site to find details of the aerial specification I need for receiving transmissions from the Beacon Hill mast. Due to planning requirements I must use an indoor aerial and have one mounted in my loft area, but I suspect it's a 'cheapy' and thought that a good quality replacement might help with the poor signal quality & strength I experience. However, I see that there is some speculation that transmissions from Beacon Hill are due to change and will require a 'wideband' (whatever that is) aerial, if this is so I'd be a chump to buy a new aerial now only for it to become redundant later this year. Does anyone know if this is true, and what constitutes a good quality aerial anyway?
Maqny thanks