I'm really frustrated with BBC reception. I'm watching freeview SD, all channels are fine except BBC 1 & 2, they are scrambled & jumpy 60% of the time. Done all the advice re: interference from other devices, retunjng, hard reset. Always the same problem. IMO digital is rubbish, I'd rather have a bit of snow all the time on analogue than nothing 50% of the time then perfect signal 50% of the time. I'm in a 6th floor flat facing west with a brand new aerial on the balcony & uninstructed view for miles!!!
Saturday 11 June 2011 4:43PM
I'm really frustrated with BBC reception. I'm watching freeview SD, all channels are fine except BBC 1 & 2, they are scrambled & jumpy 60% of the time. Done all the advice re: interference from other devices, retunjng, hard reset. Always the same problem. IMO digital is rubbish, I'd rather have a bit of snow all the time on analogue than nothing 50% of the time then perfect signal 50% of the time. I'm in a 6th floor flat facing west with a brand new aerial on the balcony & uninstructed view for miles!!!