I am having problems connecting up the RF2 socket on my Sky+ box to an aerial and then a TV Eye. One method, I'm told, is to select Services then 4 for Systen Setup, then 0 then 1. But when I get into System Setup. there is no 0 to select and if I press 0 nothing happens. Another method apparently is to select Services and then 0,0,1 - but again nothing happens. Please help?
Monday 21 March 2011 1:21PM
I am having problems connecting up the RF2 socket on my Sky+ box to an aerial and then a TV Eye. One method, I'm told, is to select Services then 4 for Systen Setup, then 0 then 1. But when I get into System Setup. there is no 0 to select and if I press 0 nothing happens. Another method apparently is to select Services and then 0,0,1 - but again nothing happens. Please help?