In the past 4 to 6 weeks I have completely lost PSB3 and BBCB in ME13 (Faversham) - no amount of automatic and manual retuning brings them back, I have also only been able to get BBC South East Today usually for no more than 48 hours before it goes again, usually get random BBC local broadcasts from around England - this is despite checking the Freeview settings and again, attempting manual tuning.
Monday 5 December 2022 6:14PM
In the past 4 to 6 weeks I have completely lost PSB3 and BBCB in ME13 (Faversham) - no amount of automatic and manual retuning brings them back, I have also only been able to get BBC South East Today usually for no more than 48 hours before it goes again, usually get random BBC local broadcasts from around England - this is despite checking the Freeview settings and again, attempting manual tuning.