Phil: Yesterday Talcolneston went fully over to digital and you may have been picking up ArqB from there?
Also - can someone confirm to me that Sudbury has formally changed from a Group B to a Group E (semi-wideband) transmitter/s and hence the correct aerial now is a Group E. If so, will it stay E?
Yesterday I retuned a neighbours two sets and another elderly persons set in our village and had a lot of problems in picking up not only Sudbury but the newly-DSO'd Talconeston - they both had newish wideband (i.e. 21-68, all groups) aerials.
Thursday 24 November 2011 9:12AM
Phil: Yesterday Talcolneston went fully over to digital and you may have been picking up ArqB from there?
Also - can someone confirm to me that Sudbury has formally changed from a Group B to a Group E (semi-wideband) transmitter/s and hence the correct aerial now is a Group E. If so, will it stay E?
Yesterday I retuned a neighbours two sets and another elderly persons set in our village and had a lot of problems in picking up not only Sudbury but the newly-DSO'd Talconeston - they both had newish wideband (i.e. 21-68, all groups) aerials.