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All posts by Keith

Below are all of Keith 's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

C21 (474.0MHz) after switchover
Sunday 11 March 2012 2:06PM

Rod - have you had a digital receiver before or is this your first one ? - possibly need an aerial upgrade - I know this is vague but without knowing more its difficult to say - without putting some test equipment to see what the signal strength is like

Keith - kb aerials sheffiled

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Freeview intermittent interference
Sunday 11 March 2012 6:09PM

Jane - you may have a faulty amplifier that is picking up the radio signal from your smart phone - I assume the aerial goes into a sky box then out of a sky box into an amplifier (I'm guessing here ) - the amplifier then feeds the 2 tv's upstairs - possibly amp is behind the tv , outside on the wall or in the loft - - and the reason the lounge tv is un affected is because the aerial goes to the tv without the amplifier being involved - ie the amp feeds the 2 tv's upstairs picks up your phones output and degrades the signal quality

Only way of knowing for sure is bypassing the amp - or if it was me I'd get some test equipment on it - might be worth involving an aerial rigger to fault find for you - we could check the signal and find the problem

Kb aerials

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Steven check the cable - a single strand of braid touches the inner copper core then it will short out causing loss of single - also sometimes the inner copper core bends and doesn't get inserted into the connector properly - check the cable

Keith kb aerials

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Indoor aerials
Saturday 17 March 2012 9:05PM

Don't know the area at all but I install an aerial betweern £120 - £200 -

A free sat install if it realy is a terrible area might do you better - about £170-£200

Keith kb aerials sheffield

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Depends if you have a twin feed back to the distribution switch if yes then yes if you have a single feed then you can watch and record but not 2 channels at same time if you don't have a feed to the distribution switch then no - and usually a bedroom isn't wired back to the switch its wired so you can view the lounge box in the bedroom using rf2

Kb aerials sheffield

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What price for an aerial installation?
Saturday 12 May 2012 3:36PM

Yeah I think they have a cheek in all honesty

I offer a 1 year guarentee on the aerials I install but if someone told me 2 years down line water was comeing through the cable I'd be so embarressed I wouldn't charge them at all

The only exception to this would be that if you had agreed for them to use the exsisting cable - splitters or amplifier system

If the job was a from scratch brand new install with absoloutley everyting supplied by them there should be no reason water would be getting. In apart from total incompetence and lack of skill on the installers side of the job

Obviously aerials have to be water tight - amalgamation tape used on joints - external water proof splitters and amplifiers etc

£139 - disgraceful !

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What price for an aerial installation?
Saturday 12 May 2012 7:10PM

S dexter
im not sure who you are passing comment on as it doesn't say in your comment

if your referring to the last post by valerie allen and mine and stephen p's reply about the fact that the job she had done has to be poor workmanship then i can't quote for stephen p but I am certainly a sole trader working for my self and i take pride in my work - if a customer after 2 years was experiencing water coming through the cable I wouldn't hesitate to rectify the problem for them at my own cost

its how reputation is built up

(if your referring to another post then i apologise )


KB Aerials


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Problems - No of course not - thats why filters are being made to filter out the affects of these transmissions as they are so close to the current free view broadcasts

especially when you have a 4g device sat near a tv pulling the signal in

But its ok - as long as a filter per tv are fitted and maybe a mast head filter - oh and change all the old cable to high quality shielded cable - no won't be a problem after that

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where have you got the box situated - it could be over heating if its in a cabinet or in a stack of equipment with poor air circulation try cooling it down

just a thought seen as its a regular occurrence witth no other obvious factors - the dish wont cause this problem

KB Aerials Sheffield


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What price for an aerial installation?
Wednesday 5 September 2012 11:11PM

seems a bit steep to me too
I charge £120 in Sheffield -

so that other £120 is sheeer profit not bad for an hours work (ok hour and half if its tricky )


KB Aerials



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