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All posts by Moptop

Below are all of Moptop's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Upgrading from Sky to Freesat
Thursday 6 January 2011 8:03PM

Hi - sorry if this has already been asked - but cant see the answer anywhere if it has!!

I have 2 lounges - one has Sky+ HD . The Sky engineer was very nice and put the old box in the other lounge although there is no subscription on that I just use it as freeview. I would really like to be able to record etc so can I just buy a sky+ box and change it for the old box?

The reason I ask is that I have seen talk of sky+ needing 2 of something (LNB??) that normal sky only needs 1 of (are you getting the level of my technical knowledge??!) The cable coming into the sky plus box looks like 2 cables joined together. The cable coming into the other box looks like a normal aerial cable.

Thanks in advance for your help!!

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Upgrading from Sky to Freesat
Friday 7 January 2011 7:52AM

Thanks for the answer!

So could I put a freesat+ box instead of the old sky box? Would it still receive the signal via the sky dish and would it be able to record?

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Upgrading from Sky to Freesat
Friday 7 January 2011 6:52PM

OK - thanks for that. If I was to decide to modify the cabling from the sky dish how complicated would that be? Could I do it or would I need an engineer?

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